[ Just after such a wonderful conversation with my Lord, I went to the restroom. I know . . . this is just too much information! But afterwards, I decided to weigh myself just one more time only to see if I now weighed less since I had gone to the restroom. In hindsight, I now realize that my thinking is just warped due to this bondage of the scales and compulsive overeating. But I do want to say, that probably everyone trying to lose weight has done this at one time or another. Then immediately after I weighed myself for the second time, the Lord and I had another heart-to-heart discussion. But this time, it was not praise from my Lord. Sigh.]
What??? Lord, how can this possibly be? Surely that cup of coffee didn’t weigh that much? Continue reading PEACE LIKE A RIVER! (Part-two – Uh-oh!)
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