Are you prepared?

I know this isn’t about overeating or losing weight. But could teething be compared to food addiction? I know that both I and these babies cry about our issues.
I’ve been known to say if it was socially acceptable for adults to have pacifiers, then there would be less smoking, less alcoholism, less food addiction, etc. Back when I used to teach middle school, the star basketball player used to sit in my class and suck on his pacifier. No one said a word to him and he had good grades too. So maybe they are somewhat similar. I want mine to be covered in bling, thank you.
It does make interesting reading. It is so “The Truth”, I felt led to re-post this. Enjoy.

WordPress Family Award 

IMG_5263Hi Ya’ll!

Several months ago my blog friend Darleen, ( ) “Thoughts From A Christian Cowgirl,”  recommended me for this award. I was absolutely thrilled and amazed that she would grant me this honor. Thank you so much Darleen. Ya’ll check her out.  IMG_5283

Because I’m so tech challenged, it took me a while to figure out how to place this icon on my blog. . .  A widget, what’s that? I emailed Darleen for help and she sent directions, but my granny self couldn’t comprehend them. What did you say? Huh? Finally I ordered a couple of how-to books from Kindle and they helped. Reading directions always helps. Continue reading WordPress Family Award 


Lord, I don’t know what to say. I’ve been so guilty of focusing on my plans instead of praying for others. Help me to pray according to Your will.

My child, a lot of your prayers were  you singing to Me when stressed. Praising prayers are My favorite. You didn’t eat your stress, you sang instead. This is another victory of freedom.  IMG_5127

I know your needs and the concerns of your heart. I’m answering the prayers of your heart. You don’t have to speak them for I know and see all things. Rejoice My child, for your answered prayers. Continue reading   LOVE


IMG_5110 (Note: After reading a post from, I realized this way of eating is stress-free. I haven’t thought about it. Yes, this is stress-free eating. Notice I said eating, not dieting. Thank you 365fitjournal for helping me see this. -She’s eating the same as I am. Check out her blog.)

80 pounds gone! Victory! How can this be? I’m eating regular food. I’m not dieting at all.

— Lord, I’m so amazed at what You’ve done.  I stood on the scales last Sunday and had a total weight loss of 80 pounds. You created this miracle in my life. Four years ago, even two years ago, I never thought this was possible.

For the past 41 years, I’ve struggled with my excess weight and dieting.  I’ve experienced so many diet failures that I developed a failure complex and considered myself a total failure at life. Now I’m free and I know I’m not a failure. Continue reading 80 POUNDS GONE, STRESSFREE EATING


Lord, I’ve been lying all these years. Even though it was just a little white lie, I hoped You would understand. I know a lie is a lie, a sin is a sin, and no sin is greater or lesser than another. But I just couldn’t tell the truth, I just couldn’t. Will You forgive me? Continue reading BEEN LYING ALL THESE YEARS


Lord, You’re the best matchmaker. You blessed me with the man of my dreams.  Wow!

Wedding Day 1973

He’s been my best friend for 42 years of marriage. I married him in 1973, but we have been “steady” since 1968.  The first ring he gave me,  he made in his metal shop class. He made it from a stainless steel nut. I wore it on a chain around my neck. That let the world know we were “going steady”.  We’ve been going steady ever since. Continue reading THE MAN OF MY DREAMS


—- The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord upholds him with His hand.     Psalms 37:23-24


Walking with a granddaughter.

Lord, I just want to thank you for guiding my steps:

  • Steps to grow closer to You
  • Steps to grow stronger in my body
  • Steps in eating less
  • Steps in  friendships with others
  • Steps to my victory

You hold my victory in Your hand and for this I praise You. Continue reading VICTORY