Fight The Gluttony Monster With God’s Solid Food – Holy 30 Devotional**- Day 11 & 12

Lord, the Gluttony Monster comes to my house at night. He doesn’t bother me during the day for the most part, but he shows up most every night to harass me. How can I fight him? He’s bigger and stronger than me. I’m such a weakling against him. He beats me up most every night.

He usually shows up every evening around suppertime, sometimes before supper, sometimes after. Then he hangs around for a late night snack, only it’s a buffet. Sometimes he rides in the car with me and forces me to turn my car into the fast food drive-up windows. What can I do?

I’m not supposed to have murder in my heart. This I know,  but I REALLY WANT TO KILL this Gluttony Monster. He’s taking control of my life and I’m sick of it. He torments me all the time. I feel so helpless and defeated by this enemy.

This past Wednesday night at church, the pastor said that you don’t have to give into sin and then say you can’t help it. He said  the only reason you can’t help it is that you’re not willing to yield yourself to the Holy Spirit’s control. Lord, is that true?

Yes, My child, it is true.

Well then, Lord,. . .  I give myself to You right now. Place me under the control of Your Holy spirit. You take control of me. Anyway I’m not doing a very good job of self-control right now. As a matter of fact, it seems I’ve never done a good job of self-control. I give myself to You. Take me, use me, for I am Yours.

Help me kill this Gluttony monster? Help me! I hate being controlled by him.

Child of Mine, one way to defeat this Gluttony Monster is to quit feeding him. Feed your soul instead. 

Lord, how do I do that?

To begin with, feed your soul by reading My Word, The Bible. Reading your Bible instead of looking at that Facebook will make you stronger. You give medicine to your dog twice a day. When your Dad was recuperating at your house after his knee surgery, he took medicine twice a day. Now I’m giving you a spiritual prescription. Read My Word twice a day, morning and night. If you do this, you will grow stronger and defeat this Gluttony Monster, your enemy. 

That’s how I defeated My enemy. I had been in the Wilderness for 40 days and my enemy came with all his temptations, but I defeated him with the Word of God. I defeated him with, “It is written . . .”  

Once you become full of My Word, you can also tell your enemy, “It is written.” He can never go against My Word. I won’t even go against My Word. If it is written, then it is forever to be. 

You must feed on My solid food to defeat and destroy this Gluttony Monster. Now My child, get out your Bible and feed yourself My solid food. You aren’t a wimpy baby. ‘It is written’.  Now feed My Words to your mind and grow up.


Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.”  He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” Matthew 4: 1-4 

For You have armed me with strength for the battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me. Psalm 18:39

Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. Revelation 12:10

**This short devotional, “Holy 30” (See picture of Day 11 & Day 12.) is based on I Peter 1:16. First Baptist of Tillman’s Corner published this devotional . Just to let you know, I didn’t write any of this devotional, but I do have permission to share it with you.

In addition, if you would like more information about our church check out this website: . You can also listen to some sermons from our pastors. Enjoy them, I do.


Celebrate – Holy 30 Devotional** – Day 9 & Day 10

Lord, we can understand to celebrate our blessings, but as compulsive over-eaters, this scripture encourages us to eat fat and drink sweet. (What about eating sweets?)  Isn’t this just waving a red flag in front of us? Are You giving us permission to overeat?

Lord, for me this is the most difficult devotional for one thing I’m struggling with compulsive overeating now, and the first thing I read is, “Go . . . eat. . .”

Child, food is not bad. It’s good to celebrate events by sharing a meal together in fellowship. I never said, “Eat until you’re bloated.” I was encouraging My people to celebrate with joy, not joy in the food, but joy in My Presence, and joy in My blessings, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. I am your strength. 

Turn your eyes from the food. Look for those who have none and share My blessings with one another. Be filled with My joy, not your abundant food. Celebrate My love. 

He that is in you is greater than he who is in the world, greater than the food in the kitchen, the drive-up, the snack machine, and the restaurant menu. he that is in you  is greater than all these. Look to Me for your strength.  Trust Me. 


But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? 1 John 3:17

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him. Psalm 28:7

Lord, sometimes I feel like there is trouble everywhere I look.

My child, you worry too much. Remember “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” Praise Me for your victory. 

But thanks be to Jesus Christ who has given us the victory. 1 Corinthians 15:57


**This short devotional, “Holy 30” (See picture of Day 7 & Day 8.) is based on I Peter 1:16. It was published by First Baptist of Tillman’s Corner.  I didn’t write any of this devotional, but I do have permission to share it with you.

If you would like some additional information about our church check out this website: . You can also listen to some sermons from our pastors. Enjoy them, I do.


Our Hardest Day- Holy 30 Devotional -Day 7 & Day 8

When I consider what was our hardest day, one day particularly stands out. It’s the day we signed a warrant of arrest for our son back in June of 2011.

Yes, that was the hardest day of our parenthood. There have been many days since that seemed hard at the time, but overall that was the hardest day ever. What a dark day that was, the darkest in our marriage, in my motherhood, and in my life. My husband will agree.

But then this is not so much a story of how horrible it was or even why we felt we had to do this. It’s not even a story about our hardest day. Instead, this is a story of how God loved on us in such a special way we knew we had been personally hugged by God.

The event that caused us to make this decision happened on a Saturday night, so early Sunday morning my husband and I drove to the city police department. I sat in the car, prayed and cried while my husband went inside to sign the papers.

We felt numb and overwhelmed with grief. Since we didn’t want to see anyone or make a public scene in our grief, going to church seemed out of question. Therefore we just rode and rode in the car in complete numbness and dead silence with no sense of direction.

After driving most of the day, we ended up in another county across the bay. Driving in silence we had passed several small fishing piers, so we decided just to get out and walk on one just  to look at the water. Water has a calming effect on the emotions.

We walked to the end of the pier, stood there looking at the sunset, and then hugged each other in consolation and grief. Suddenly a man took our picture. He asked permission to keep our picture because photography was his hobby. He said he was going to title the picture, “Lovers at Sunset.”

We were stunned, being lovers was the last thing on our minds. Before we could respond, his cell phone rang. Instead of a regular sounding ring, it played Christian music for the phone ring. We felt a sense of bond with this man for he was a Christian too. So we explained to him we weren’t hugging in a moment of passion, instead our hug was one of consolation and grief. We shared with him about our son and what we had done, the hardest thing any parent could do. Talk about “tough love”, this was killing us.

The man listened as we poured our hearts out, then he reached out for our hands and prayed both for us and with us for our son. We both cried, but felt reassured that God was listening. We felt assured that God would take care of our son and eventually restoration would come.

When my husband and I got back in the car, I said, “Do you know what just happened? God hugged on us, that’s what just happened.” My husband nodded his head in agreement. We left that place knowing God loved us, God loved our son, and God is in control even when we mess up.

I know of many who are going through darkness now with cancer, facing the loss of death of a loved one , or dealing with the heartache of wayward children. Our story may seem minor to others, but at the time it was the hardest day of our life.

And just to let you know,  both we and our son are in the process of restoration and healing in our relationships with one  another. We still have bumps in the road and moments of confusion. All of us have had tears since, but we can now express love one for another. My heart feels  joy each time he tells me, “I love you too, Mom.”

God is in the healing business.

Addendum: When we visited the Garden of Gethsemane last February, the Lord spoke to my heart saying, “No longer call him your wayward son, from now on call him your youngest son.”


And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” Malachi 4:6

 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;  does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part.  But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. 1 Corinthians  13:4-10


**This short devotional, “Holy 30” (See picture of Day 7 & Day 8.) is based on I Peter 1:16. It was published by First Baptist of Tillman’s Corner.  I didn’t write any of this devotional, but I do have permission to share it with you.

If you would like some additional information about our church check out this website: . You can also listen to some sermons from our pastors. Enjoy them, I do.

Also if you click on the underlined scripture tab, you’ll be connected to Bible Gateway. This is a great source for locating Bible scriptures through the computer.


Self-Condemnation, What the Lord Hates in Me. – After Reading the “Holy 30 Devotional”-Day 6

Child, you aren’t perfect. You know that. I know that. But the one thing you do that breaks My heart and grieves My Holy Spirit is your self-condemnation. 

(After I read Day 6 from the Holy 30 Devotional,** published by my church, the Lord spoke these words to my heart. As you read them, allow the Lord to speak to your heart likewise and realize how great His love is for you. In fact, He loves you with all His heart, yes you, the reader. To begin with, know that you don’t have to earn His love, for He freely gives it to all and none of us deserve it. Therefore allow the Lord to love on you as you read these words. Afterwards feel free to let me know how He spoke to you.)

Lord, what is it about me that You hate?

Child, you aren’t perfect. You know that and I know that. But the one thing you do that breaks My heart and grieves My Holy Spirit is your constant self-condemnation. 

Yes, you have areas of flaws to work on, all humans do in one form or another. No one has achieved perfection through their works of self-improvement. Only My Blood can cleanse one to perfection. 

Yet the one major flaw you have, My child, that breaks My heart in your continuous self-condemnation. You judge yourself as inferior because you are unable to maintain perfection in your behavior or attitudes of the heart. 

You strive to love others but yet all you can see in yourself are flaws and failures. Know ye not that I love you just as you are even with your faults and failures?

How can you truly love others as I wish, “Love others as you love yourself” if you don’t love yourself? If all you look at is your own failures, how can you see beauty in others? When your eyes only focus on failures, you are unable to see My love. Know I love you. I died for you, yes for you. 

So do you think if I was willing to die for you, just you, do you think you are worthy  of My love? 

No Lord, we both know I’m not worthy.

My child, I love you, so I want you to love you. Look at yourself through My eyes. I gave all I had just for you. I suffered intensely. You are unable to comprehend the level of My suffering because of My love for you. Yes, you.

Now if I freely was willing to suffer and give My life for you, do you think I saw potential for worthiness in My eyes? Yes, I saw you inside and out. I knew in advance all your failures. Yet I freely gave Myself as a sacrifice for you. Yes, for you I did this. 

When I look at you I see perfection, but not because of anything you did. No, My love cannot be earned. It can only be accepted as I freely give it to you. Your perfection can only be because of My Blood. It is the covering of My Blood that cleanses you and makes you worthy, not your works or your striving for perfection. 

Now, My child, let go of your measuring stick. You know,that standard stick, the one you measure both yourself and others with. You know, the one you constantly beat yourself over the head with. Give it to Me, for I am the Standard. My love is the standard. 

Give Me the measuring stick. Your success is measured by My love, not your works of striving for perfection. Only I am perfect. There is no way you can achieve perfection. It is only My Blood covering that makes you perfect. 

What I want for you is to bask in My love. Enjoy My Presence. Sing. Smile. Open your eyes to see the good both in yourself and others. I am success. I am victory. It is only through Me that you can have these in your life. 

Now come here. Come to ME. Allow Me to love you just as you are, flaws, failures, and all. Rejoice in My love for you, not that you’re great, but that I AM great. Know that you are loved by the Almighty King for it is My love that makes you good enough and not you of yourself. No, it is not you, but it is My Spirit within you. 

Henceforth allow Me to have My way with you and fill you with My love. I am the perfect love and there is no other, only I. Now bask in My love for you. Know I have plans for you, plans for a hope and a future. Relax from your self striving for perfection for you will never achieve it. Allow Me to have control. Trust Me. Give yourself to Me. Then watch and see what I will do. 


For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 
In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10
 We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


**The short devotional, “Holy 30” (See picture of Day 6.)) is based on I Peter 1:16. It was published by First Baptist of Tillman’s Corner.  I didn’t write any of this devotional, but I do have permission to share it with you.

If you would like some additional information about our church check out this website: . You can also listen to some sermons from our pastors. Enjoy them, I do.

Also if you click on the underlined scripture tab, you will be connected to Bible Gateway. This is a great source for locating Bible scriptures through the computer.


Holy 30-Devotional, Day 4

This is a continuation (Day 4*) of a 30 day devotional written and published by First Baptist of Tillman’s Corner. It’s based on I Peter 1:16.

I didn’t write any of this devotional, but I have permission from my church to share it with you. If you would like some additional information about our church check out this website: .

Following each page of the devotional, I’ll share some of my personal notes. Hopefully together, you and I can help one another.

DAY 4:

Lord, I realize this self-indulgence needs to come off. Oh, and self-gratification too. Are they twins? What about pride? The loudest is murmuring. Today, we call that complaining. Oh Lord, help me. That’s what kept the Israelites in the dessert for 40 years. Lord, I can’t remove these extra heavy coverings from myself. Could You help me?

Yesterday I had extra layers of patience. Thank you. They were evident when we went to pay the phone bill. I stood in line and there was a table nearby with stools around it. So while I waited my turn, one grandchild sat on a stool and twirled herself around and around as fast as she could. At first the other grandchild played on her phone, then she began to protest. “Meemaw, make her stop. she’s going to hit somebody with her feet.”

Meanwhile I’m still waiting in line. The lady ahead of me is having difficulty with the payment machine. the first grandchild continues twirling and twirling with a grin of joy and delight. The older grandchild continues her protest, “She’s making the table shake. Make her stop.”The lady ahead had to ask for assistance with the machine. This process is going to take longer.

I smiled at the children, “Honey, make sure you keep your feet down. Don’t hit anybody.” She puts her feet down. The lady ahead finishes and I get my turn, pay the bill, and we leave.

Thank goodness. In the old days, instead of smiling, I would have fussed loudly at both children. Lord, thank you for that blessing of extra patience when I needed it. My reward was a hug later from the twirling grandchild. Thank you for the gift of that hug.

Lord, concerning clothes, I sure would like to get back in those size 10 pants. Do You think it’s possible?

My child, all things are possible if you seek, listen, and follow My guidance.

*My apologies for being late in posting this. Time is an issue with visiting grandchildren (5) and now out of town company. But having family is wonderful. Someone did suggest that I needed to retire from retirement.

God’s Love to you all, Debbie


Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.          Psalm 51:10

Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23

Renew Your Mind By Reading God’s Word-Holy 30 Devotional- Day 5

Renew and Improve Your Mind With God’s Word

Thank you Lord for Your Word. Not only does it minsters to our hearts and souls, but it also improves and renews our minds.

Alzheimer’s has claimed most all of my Mother’s side of the family. I’ve heard that to keep your mind sharp, you must exercise it by continuously reading and  learning. What better way to renew your mind than reading and learning from God’s Word.


Encouragement comes from Your Word when I need it. Your Word says, “With God, all things are possible.” Your Word says, “Fear not for I am with you” when I need courage. When I’m unlovable, Your word says, “I love you.” Your Word says, “I will give you victory” every time I feel like a failure. The Bible, Your Word has all the answers.


Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:13 NKJV

. . .  Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.          1 Corinthians 15:57


*Note: The picture above is from a short devotional based on I Peter 1:16. I didn’t write any of this devotional, but I do have permission to share it with you. First Baptist of Tillman’s Corner published this devotional

If you would like some additional information about our church check out this website: . You can also listen to some sermons from our pastor.

Holy 30 Challenge-Devotional+

Here for your enjoyment and to help you with your New Year goals of improving physically and growing spiritually is a copy of the “Holy 30 Challenge”.

This short devotional, 30 days) is based on I Peter 1:16. It was written by unnamed church members and published by First Baptist of Tillman’s Corner  At our church, we are beginning the New Year focused on improving our physical bodies and also growing spiritually in our relationship with Jesus Christ.

I didn’t write any of this devotional, but I do have permission to share it with you. Hope you enjoy using it as a tool for self examination in your quest to improve both physically and spiritually.

It has been said that whatever you focus on at the beginning of the year will set the pattern for the rest of the year. Therefore, let’s focus on beginning our year in the Presence of God. After all, He is your best friend. I promise.

If you would like some additional information about our church check out this website: . You can also listen to some sermons from our pastors if you choose. I enjoy listening to them while at church and I think they’re great. No, I don’t think I’m partial. Well, maybe a little.

This introduction page is for church members, but I thought you might enjoy. I’ll try to post each day in succession for you beginning with these. Sorry about the late start, but it just occurred to me “Why not post these? Others could benefit.”




My Notes from Day 1:

Lord, what do I need to change to become more like You? Help me to turn away from the love of this pleasure food and other pleasures as well. Let me give all of my heart to You.

 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.  1 John 2:15-16 NKJV

Lord, it’s so cold outside. (We are experiencing a hard freeze now. This is very unusual for lower Alabama.)

Child, walk with Me, and you will find warmth in your heart.

I thought to myself, “Okay, you can walk inside the house or out in the back yard with the dogs.” I walked out in the back yard for 30 minutes and the dogs loved it. I hated it. Too cold for me, guess I’ll try walking inside next time.


My Notes from Day 3:

Lord, help me remember to drink water and spend time in Your Presence to refresh my soul. So far, I’ve drunk half of my recommended water for the day.


Hope you have a great and Happy New Year! Be Blessed!                                               Debbie

It Was Stressed And Crazy All December. Why?

This past December was full of stress, but none of it for the usual Christmas reasons. No, it’s been an eventful, stressed month with two hospital stays for my Dad and one lengthily veterinarian stay for our dog, Willow.

To begin with, my Dad had knee replacement surgery on Dec. 7. He’s 82 years old and lives by himself in a house on the bay. His house is up on pilings, so he has to go up a flight of stairs to get in his house and another flight of stairs up to his bedroom. My siblings and I decided he should come to my house for his recuperation. My house is build on a slab without stairs and I’m retired. All my other siblings still work, so it was an easy decision that Dad should come to my house.

Then he developed cellulitis in his leg and had to go back in the hospital for antibiotics by I.V.  The doctor talked about another surgery to clean out the infection. We were praying not so.

Praise God, the antibiotics via IV worked. No additional surgery was needed. God answers prayer. Do y’all hear me? Yes, He answers prayers. Thank you Lord for healing my Dad.


Willow, how could this sweet precious bite anyone? Even the vet didn’t understand why?

Meanwhile . . . during Dad’s stay in the hospital the first time, our little dog bit the gas meter man. What?. . .  This dog has been at our house for almost two years and he has never bit anyone. After all, does this face look like it would bite?

We had let his shots expire last March. Yep, I know. This was stupid on our part. Stupid, stupid, stupid. So first I visited Dad at the hospital after his knee surgery, then I had to take the dog, Willow, to be quarantined at the vet’s for 10 days. Learn from my example, keep up with your dog’s shots.

Goober, the big baby.

Guess the gas meter man is happy it wasn’t our big dog. He’s had his shots, but his bite might have been worse. Yep, he looks scary. Just looking at him is enough to make you stressed, but he acts like a big baby.

After Dad returned from the hospital the second time, he again returned to my house for recuperation. The next day I picked up the Willow from the vets. Praise God, Dad’s leg healed, but we found out the dog had hook worms and heart worms. Now I was stressed caring for two patients giving daily antibiotics to both.  And one of my patients could die due to my failure to provide preventive shots. Learn from my failure, keep up your dog’s shots.

In February, Willow has to go goes back to the vet and get heart shots to kill the heart worms. Then we’re supposed to keep him still for 30 days. I don’t know how we’re going to do that. He’s not supposed to get excited or stressed.

Then again in March, back to the vet for another shot treatment to kill heart worms and keep him still for another 30 days. Can you tell me how to keep a dog still? Because I have no idea. Learn from my example, keep up with your pet’s shots.


Then Christmas business everywhere, Christmas tree to decorate, shopping to do, Christmas cards to send, and the family gathering meal to cook for. (I make the official “Granny Crocker’s Dressing” for the all family gatherings.) Talk about being stressed.

Thank you Lord, for leading me to buy the grand-kids a present before Dad’s surgery. But then I wasn’t able to go shopping, so Hubby and I decide to give everyone money. It all worked out. Peace on Earth and goodwill to men. It turned out to be a calm, peaceful Christmas after all.


. . . though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love. . .   1 Peter 7-8

                 Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and attend to your herds.                   Proverbs 27:23

A good man is concerned for the welfare of his animals. . . Proverbs 12:10

Sing For Your Freedom And Your Victory

Lord, I’ve gained some weight back. How did this happen?

Child, if you listen to Me, then it will be gone.

But Lord, what do I do today?

For now, eat no more until your stomach growls.

But Lord, what if I get invited out to lunch?

Child . . . Trust Me. Now do you want a life of misery or peace?

Lord, I want peace.

Then let go. Let go of your resentment.

Lord, it’s hard to let go. Would You take it from me?

Child, you must remember I can’t take it from you unless you give it to Me.

Here Lord, I give my resentment to You. I’m so tired of “life.” Nothing has turned out like I thought it would. First of all, my dreams of monetary success didn’t happen. Then I keep returning to my source of failure. I feel as tough I’m just going through the motions of life, putting one foot in front of the other, trudging along in boredom and monotony.

Child, if only you’d allow Me to fill you with Myself, My Spirit, then you would find your life exciting.

Okay Lord, how? Tell me, how do I let You fill me?

First My child, I want you to sing to Me.

What? . . . Okay Lord, what do You want me to sing?

How about “Amazing Grace” for now.



(After singing “Amazing Grace”) Okay, Lord, I’ve sung it. Now what?

Sing it again.

What? Okay. (Sung it again.) Okay Lord, now I sung it. What’s next?

Now sing it again.

(Sung it again.) Lord, now I’ve sung it three times. So what now?

Child, it’s not about you.


It’s not about you.

Well Lord, tell me . . . what is it about?

My grace.

What do You mean?

It’s about My grace. Look up the word grace. Also, look up regeneration and while you’re at it, look up sanctification too.

To begin with My Child, I give you My grace. It is My grace that heals, delivers, and sets free those who are captive in bondage. For it’s My grace that saves you, even from yourself.

Your assignment today is to sing throughout this day, everywhere you go and everything you do. Your first step toward losing this extra weight is singing.

What? This makes no sense.

Trust Me for I know what I’m doing. We’ll talk again tomorrow, but today I want you to sing.

Okay Lord, but what do I sing now?

I like “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know.” Sing that. Through these words you will be released from your personal prison.


“Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion! For behold, I am coming and I will dwell in your midst,” says the Lord. Zechariah 2:10

Acts 16

25 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. 26 Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed. 27 And the keeper of the prison, awaking from sleep and seeing the prison doors open, supposing the prisoners had fled, drew his sword and was about to kill himself. 28 But Paul called with a loud voice, saying, “Do yourself no harm, for we are all here.”

29 Then he called for a light, ran in, and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. 30 And he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

31 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” 32 Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house. 33 And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes. And immediately he and all his family were baptized. 34 Now when he had brought them into his house, he set food before them; and he rejoiced, having believed in God with all his household.

Edge of Victory

Lord, my temptations have not brought me the joy of victory. No, instead they’ve brought failure and defeat. I’ve failed all the tests and have become completely entangled again in bingeing and eating until I’m sick, bloated, and gaining weight. Now I’m standing here before You in guilt and shame at the edge of failure.

No . . . My Child, you’re not standing at the edge of failure. You’re now standing at the edge of victory. Call on My Name – Jesus- for I am your victory.

Lord, I thought I was at victory before, but here I am now back at binge land. At this moment I’m the heaviest I’ve been since 2014. My face has been in the feeding trough, the slop bucket. In the book, “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young,  (pg. 321) You stated that You weren’t repelled by our weaknesses. No, instead You said Your power was attracted to our weakness. How can You be attracted by my gluttony?

Yes My child, I am drawn to your weakness for I long to help those I love. I always want to help you succeed just as you always want to help those you love. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:15-16 NKJV


My Child, I’ve come to offer you mercy, grace, and help you in your need of deliverance. Now I want to see you free of all this that has you entangled in bondage.

Lord, I feel nothing.

My child, you don’t have to feel Me to know I am with you.

Lord, I’m miserable now.

My child, I know this for I designed it that way. At the time you’re in sin, it seems enjoyable, but eventually sin brings forth great misery.  Without the misery within sin, you wouldn’t cry out to Me.

Lord, I’m at another bottom, a sinkhole of misery. I feel as though I’m sinking in a food vat, a greasy food vat. Lord, I want what we once had before. I want to return to my joy within Your Presence. Can I come back to You?

Child, come here.

Lord, I don’t know what to do now.

Come here, I will lead you.

Lord, I want more of You.

Then My child, let go. Let go of what is in your hand because you can’t receive unless you let go.

Have mercy upon me, O God,
According to Your lovingkindness;
According to the multitude of Your tender mercies,
Blot out my transgressions.
Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
And cleanse me from my sin. Psalm 51:1-2


Lord, would You cleanse me, wash me, and deliver me again from my own sin of  destruction. Overall I feel doomed to keep repeating this sin of gluttony.

My child, in fact you aren’t doomed for I’ve already set you free.  As a matter of fact it was My Blood that paid the price required for your freedom.


He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:13-14

* Note: The Lord is helping me. Yes I made a lot of wrong choices, but praising God for His love, mercy and forgiveness. I’ve lost 4 pounds since writing this post. I don’t understand how He could be so patient with me.

I remember back in 2014, a potential publisher told me, “If we publish your book, you can never gain your weight back. It would be an embarrassment to our company.”

Someone once told me that angels are watching us and cheering us on. It’s occurred to me that I must follow God’s will especially with my eating. After all, when I overeat am I embarrassing God in front of His angels?

I’m so grateful He is giving me another chance to eat with Him again. Thank you Lord for Your love and mercy.

He’s patient with you too. He is full of love and mercy for you too, no matter what your past choices were. Go to Him and tell Him all about your issues. I promise He’ll listen. If He listens to me, He will listen to you. He loves you ever so greatly.