It’s all about an ongoing relationship. That’s what Jesus wants with you.
In our life group at church, we were discussing whether Christians should ask forgiveness every time they sin or not. Once you ask forgiveness, that sin is erased. But what about the sin you commit tomorrow, whether by accident or wrong choice?
It’s the old “once saved, always saved” argument. Do you think a person can just pray a sinner’s prayer, live a sinful life, and then expect to go to heaven because they once said a sinner prayer? What do you think?
This is my opinion- It’s all about an ongoing relationship.
In comparison we have to wash dishes and clothes most every day. We also have to wash our bodies every day or we will stink to high heaven.
As a Christian, you may be forgiven and saved, but sometimes you mess up in sin. You do this either by mistake or by choice. But just because you prayed the “Sinner’s Prayer” for salvation doesn’t mean you don’t need to ask forgiveness for your daily sin.
And we all daily mess up, backslid, or make wrong choices in life. But the whole point of it all is to maintain a relationship with Christ. Communicate, talk with Him about it all and do ask forgiveness.
He doesn’t want to condemn you.
Instead He wants to love you and help you live in victory.
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to Him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the poser of sin that leads to death. Romans 8:1,2 NLT
My husband and I have a good relationship. But if I chose to go against his wishes, it would hurt his feelings. So I apologize when I mess up.
Confessing a sin is apologizing to God for our mess ups. He knows when we are weak and that we sometimes make stupid choices. But He’s always there just waiting for us to come to our senses, realize who He is, apologize, ask forgiveness, and renew our relationship with Him. He loves you just as you are, exactly as you are. But He intends to make your life victorious, no longer defeated by sinful choices.
If I never apologized to my husband for my errors, mistakes, or mess ups, it would hurt our relationship. But if I immediately apologize when I know I’ve mess up, then our relationship stays strong. And it’s the same for him too. He’s also apologizes to me when he realizes he messed up. After all, it’s all about our relationship, not who’s right or wrong.
This is what Christ desires from you, an ongoing relationship with Him. He doesn’t expect perfection for He knows you are human. And He understands your weaknesses.
He only longs for a strong, ongoing relationship with you. It’s not something you just do on Sunday. He wants to be involved in your daily life, every detail of your life.
He always sees what you can be with His help. And He wants to help you succeed with a life of victory. Success is not being rich or famous. It’s a life with peace of mind and peace of heart. Success is freedom from all that keeps you in defeat.
True peace can only be found in an ongoing relationship with Christ. He already knows everything about you, even with all your failures. And He loves you just as you are. His intent is to turn your life around from one of failure to a life of victory in Jesus.
You may think you have it all together, but I know I don’t. And I have no shame in asking Jesus for help. Only God can remove the inner garbage within our souls. Only God can renew our minds and cleanse our hearts.
What a wonderful thing it is to know that in spite of my many failures He still loves me. He really loves me. He really loves you too. And he wants an ongoing, deep, honest relationship with me and you.
That’s all He asks, to be our closest best friend forever. And He wants you to talk to Him about every detail of your life. Your friends may tire of hearing every detail of your day. But God never gets tired or bored with the details of your life, He’s very interested in you and your life. He hangs on every word you speak to Him. Talk to Him today. After all, its all about an ongoing relationship He wants with you.
Chew On This
Lord, if You kept a record of our sins, who, O Lord could ever survive? But You offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear You. Psalms 130:3,4
(Fear is this case means respect. Again, my opinion.)
He remembered us in our weaknesses. His faithful love endures forever. . . . Psalms 136:23