Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, Look Full In His Wonderful Face
Child, do you remember those people in your life who caused you so much stress and discomfort?
Yes Lord.
Remember how I told you to thank Me for them. And you did, even though it was hard for you to find things to be thankful for. That’s when I turned things around.
So now, when your eyes see things that are not right, evil things within your world, look for something to thank Me for. It may be hard, but there’s always something to thank Me for.
If nothing else, thank Me that this evil is now being revealed in the light. Knowledge and truth about it is now coming forth. So thank Me for that.
As you thank Me, I’ll turn things around just as I turned around your relationship with those who caused you stress. For now they cause you joy and laughter in friendship.
So, now watch and see what I will do.
But Lord, what about abortion?

Okay Lord, thank you we’re learning the truth about how an unborn baby feels pain as it’s being aborted. How horrible. When people know the truth, they’ll stop this evil.
Thank you Lord some of these babies were seen before being disposed of. We could see all their fingers and toes. They were not a mass. No, but they were baby martyrs. And now we can see their wholly formed bodies.
Thank you Lord, the truth came out about how their little body parts were being sold and harvested for money and pleasure. Now that people see the truth, changes will be made to stop this evil and those guilty of murder will be punished.
But Lord, what about sex trafficing?

Thank you Lord knowledge of this hidden horror is coming forth and truth is being revealed. And thank you the guilty are being caught and punished. Thank you now I know to pray for these lost children. Forgive me for my failure to pray for them more.
Thank you for the children who escaped to tell their stories so now the truth of this horror is being revealed. Thank you our President Trump is setting forth laws and enforcement task forces to find these children and set them free.
BUT Lord, what about evil politicians, BLM, Antifa, CV-19, and wrongful deaths due toCV-19 patients being sent to nursing homes? what about Portland and Seattle?
Thank you Lord, the truth of all these events are coming forth. Nothing is hidden from You. Thank you Lord for reports of those who come forth to tell their stories as a result of these events. And thank you for the truth about each one being revealed. Finally, people are seeing the truth and the truth will set us all free.
BUT Lord, what about ONE WORLD ORDER, Soros, Rockfeller, Clintons, and hidden organizations?
Thank you Lord the truth and intent of these evil ones who want control is coming forth. What has been hidden is now being revealed. Thank you Lord for the truth and the truth will set all people free from their control.
You are King over all. You are in control.
Child, turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.
BUT Lord, what about our election and the future of USA?
Child of Mine, don’t you know yet, that I AM in charge of ALL including your election and the future of USA? Trust Me. Now watch and see what I will do.
-The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. Exodus 14:14
–The Lord your god, who goes before you, He will fight for you . . . Deuteronomy 1:30
-Therefore do not fear them. for there is nothing that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. Matthew 10:26
-For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. Luke 12:2

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