Land of the Lord Jesus- Israel -Day 1

Our Lord Jesus, Yeshua,  walked this land -Israel. Today, we got to walk in some of those same places too. Here’s a record of our first day walking through His Homeland.

To begin with, we started at the Sea of Galilee. Overall, it’s beautiful and peaceful.

“Lord Jesus, surely You walked on these shores. Was it that one? Then again, maybe it was that one? Where did You walk? After all, Lord Savior, Your Presence is so strong in this place. Thank you for allowing us to see this place where You walked.”

At the Sea  of Galilee-

“Lord Yeshua, I know You were here. As a matter of fact You still are. Your Presence is so strong here. It’s wonderful to feel Your love.”

2,000 year old boat found at the Sea of Galilee.

“Did You ride in this boat? Was this the one You preached from? How about the one You slept in during the storm that You later made to cease? Could this be the boat You got in after walking on water?”

(Check out this link for more info: Sea Of Galilee 2000 yr. Boat )

Then our journey continued on.

Church of the Beatitudes

“Lord Jesus, Your Presence is here too.”

Along the walkway  were markers with each of the Beatitudes. Read Matthew 5 for the full list. See how blessed you are.                                                                      
Afterwards, we returned to the shoreland of the Galilee. Most of our group put their hands in the water to feel this peaceful water that Jesus walked on. We did too. As I put my hand in the water, “Lord, did any of this water touch Your hand? Did You walk on this same shore where we are standing now?”

Then on to Capernaum, town of Jesus, where He taught in the synagogue.

 At the synagogue where it is said that Jesus taught,

“Lord Jesus, did You sit here in this place teaching. Oh, how I would have loved to hear Your voice. In fact, I probably would be able to sit all day just to listen to Your voice teaching God’s Word.”

Child, I speak to you now, and many others, within your hearts. When one invites Me in, I fill their heart with My love. My sheep hear My voice. Listen for My voice now.

(If you don’t know Him, just ask Him to come in and introduce yourself to Him. He will love you. Just seek His Presence and He will come to heal your hurts. He will take away your pain by the warmth of His love. You will hear His words of love as He speaks to your heart.)

Walls of synagogue
More walls of the synagogue

A short distance from the synagogue was the “House of Peter”. We were told that when when they started construction for the church at this site, artifacts from an ancient home were discovered. Immediately construction stopped and excavation began. Based from artifacts within the house they concluded it was the house of Peter. Since in Israel it’s against the law to destroy ancient artifacts, they decided to build the church high up above the home of Peter.

Church above Peter’s house.
Underneath the church, supposed remains of Peter’s house. The roof you see in the bottom of the church on top.

“So long ago Lord, did you eat and drink with Peter and the others here? How wonderful it must have been to sup with You.”

Child, I will sup with you everyday you invite Me. My joy is to fellowship with those I love and who love Me. So invite Me in now.


Finally it’s lunchtime. We’re starving and our guide, Sam, takes us to Peter’s Restaurant by the Sea of Galilee for lunch. Yum, fresh fish. But, uh . . . not sure I want it looking at me? 

Yum, yum. It was delicious!

Later after lunch we continued on with our journey. This time we went to the Temple of Pan. I’ve never heard of it. Have you? This is the place that Jesus took His disciples and asked them, “Who do the people say that I am? After their answers, He asked them, “Who do you say I am?”  Again He’s asking, but it’s to you this time, “Who do you say I am?” What’s your answer to Him? Who do you say He is?

So long ago, this is a picture of what it must have looked like.
The empty window shapes in the wall is where they placed their false gods.
This is how it looks now.

“Overall, Lord, this place felt empty and dead.  However, it tells us in Your Word that You asked Your disciples, ‘Who do you say I am?’ Presently Lord, I don’t sense Your Presence here? Were You here at all?”

To begin with My child, it does not matter where I was in the past. What matters most to Me is where I am now. Today, I’m in your heart. Specifically, who do you say that I am? 

(See Matthew 16:13-20, Mark 8:27-30, and Luke 9:18-20.)

After lunch, we went on a hike to the City of Dan. (Hermon Stream Nature Reserve)

Up the trail.

Our tour guide, Sam, told us how the people of Dan must have lived. Check out this link for more information:  The Ancient City of Dan

Overall, the most interesting place of this nature walk was Abraham’s Gate. To begin with we were told this place was 4,000 years old. Above the gate what you see is a structure built over it to protect it from the elements. You can check out this link for more information: Abraham’s Gate .

It’s said that this is the gate of the city where Abram rescued his nephew Lot. Although this may be true, they have no way to exactly prove it. But it is proven that this gate is 4,00 years old. Later Abram had his name changed to Abraham.   (Read Genesis 14- 17 for the complete story.)

Abramham’s Gate

Since it was getting dark, it was time to leave the park while we could still see the paths. But the sunset was beautiful over the walls of Dan.

Finally after our nature walk through the area of Dan and Abraham’s Gate, we returned to the Sea of Galilee.

Then we all got on a large boat with another group for a singing worship experience. Later several from the group shared their testimonies of how God had blessed them greatly.

Isn’t the shoreline of the Sea of Galilee beautiful at night? Overall, we had a wonderful day in the Holy Land of Israel. Can’t wait until tomorrow, more to come.

Meanwhile, be greatly blessed my friends.

Shalom ya’ll, Debbie

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