
Oh Lord, I am so excited! Today is weigh in day! I can’t wait until I get on those scales, I just know it will be a five-pound weight loss! I just know it, I feel smaller! Let’s see. Uh. . .

What? I can’t believe it! This is wrong! I will try again, okay. let’s see. Uh. . . .

Okay, Lord, it was only minus three pounds, but I will praise You anyway.  I am sorry that I seem  so disappointed. I know a  three-pound weight loss should make me happy.

Lord, I guess I am looking back at all the food that I did not eat this week and grieving over what I missed. A five-pound loss would have been worth the sacrifice, but three pounds, . . . . .  I am not sure if it was worth it?

Okay, now I am feeling conviction. Hmm, . . . .  look at all the food I did get to enjoy, but just in small servings. I even had my deserts, but just in small servings. Yes, at each meal, I did eat until I reached satisfaction. I did learn that I can get full from just eating small servings versus a large plate of food. So . . .  the small amount of food that I am eating satisfies my body. Okay, that lets me know, it is not the food itself that is the problem. It is my heart! It is a heart full of longing for the ‘pleasure’ of the food! I see. . . Lord, would You change my heart so that it desires You and Your will versus the pleasure I get from food?

. . . “For I am with you to deliver you,” says the Lord. Jeremiah 1:8 & 19 NKJV

Lord, that statement was twice in the same chapter. Are You with me to deliver me as well?

(My child, I am with you, I will deliver you. I will set you free from this self-imposed bondage. My child, I am using this struggle of yours to show you your heart condition. I am calling you to a deeper walk, a deeper commitment, and a deeper yielding.)

— Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against your soul. I Peter 2:11 NKJV

Yes Lord, I can see that. The inner struggle is a battle everyday. But praise You, victory is coming! Victory is here!

— Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, and take away the foreskin of your hearts. . . . Jeremiah 4:4 NKJV

Lord, cut away all that is in my heart not pleasing to You. Most obvious is my love for food. Cut that out of my heart and replace it with a love for You. Here is my heart now, Lord. Take it, for I give it to You.

. . . Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance. Isaiah 55:2 NKJV

. . . Open Your mouth wide, and I will fill it. Psalm 81:10 NKJV

[Later on, I felt led to try on a pair of jeans that I haven’t been able to wear because they were too small.]

Wow! Lord, would You look at this! They are tight, but I can wear them now! Wow! Oh, thank you Lord! Thank you Lord! My weight loss was only three pounds, less than I expected; but would You look at this? I can wear these jeans! Wow! Oh, Lord, I am so excited! Thank you, thank you!

Now, let me look in the mirror! Oh Lord, they look so good! Thank you , thank you!

(My child, you have heard that there are three answers to prayers,  “Yes”, “Wait”, and “I have something better planned!” You expected the scales to go down to minus five pounds and they did not. Well . . .I had something better planned!) Smile.


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