Husbands . . .

He’s wearing my sunglasses.

Husbands. . . Lord, I’m thankful for this one You gave me. But earlier this week  I was gritting my teeth. You told me to be thankful in all things. He’s pushing the limit.

He said, “Get off that computer and do something physical. Come help me wash your car.”

What? . . . Lord, it’s nice having a clean car, but it’s not what I wanted to do. What did I want to do? . . Hmmm, let’s see. . . Hmmm. . . Not sure. . .   

I know I didn’t want to wash my car. The computer and I were having a great time. Do other husbands act like this?

He said, “Get on your bathing suit and come outside. You need a tan. It would help those legs of yours look better if they were tan.”

Grrrrrr . . . Lord, help me not scream at that man.

Dug out the bathing suits, new and old, selected an old one and put it on.  Hmmm . . . this is the one I had my picture taken in 2013. (My eyes only.) Don’t look too bad, just the arms and legs. My waist is so much smaller now. Hmmm . . . not so bad. I need a picture of now to compare with then.

Went outside in my black bathing suit.  He said, “You don’t want to do this, just go back in.”

What? . . . Think I’m going to kill him. Lord, are other husbands like this or is it just him?

I’m outside exposed in a bathing suit for all the neighbors to see. It’s the first time I’ve put on a bathing suit this summer and I’m standing in the driveway, not the beach. 

Lord, help me not kill him .

He looked at me, “You need to get those legs outside more. Wear some shorts. Get some tan. That’ll make them look better. Yep, and you need to start walking more. That would make them look better too, firm them up. But you don’t want to do this, so go back inside.”

Grrrr . . . Lord, help me not kill him in this driveway with the neighbors as witnesses.

“No, I’m out here now in my bathing  suit. I’ll help you wash the car. But I need to leave in time to pick up grandchildren from school.”

Lord, help me deal with this man.

My child, its opposite world. You’re looking at what you see . Look through My eyes. See what I see. See his goodness, tenderness, love , and the favor I have given him for you. After all, it was your car he wanted to wash.  What you give out, you will receive. What you plant will determine your harvest.

img_0593Earlier today you opened the door for strife to enter in when you spoke negative of him with the neighbor. Speak good and good will come. Speak criticism and criticism will come. Whatever seed you plant will determine your harvest. If you want good, then plant good with your words. Your words are seeds to your harvest.

Lord, do you remember when I used to say he drove me to eat. Remember the old saying, “Make love, not war.” I used to make food treats and would eat them instead of argue. Comfort food was better than confrontation.

Do You remember back in the 80’s when I left him over that candy bar and You told me what I was doing was wrong? I had taken $200 out of the bank to get me a hotel room at the beach. (Couldn’t get a room for that now.) I wasn’t leaving him for another man, I was leaving him over a candy bar. Crazy.

My child, when two objects are rubbed together, they make heat. Sometimes the heat is good. Sometimes the heat causes friction, but when oil is applied the objects can work together as one. For example, a car engine has many parts that without oil will cause engine failure, with oil they run smoothly.

My Holy Spirit is the oil of My love. When applied, it will bless your union. The result is an example of how I join two into one.

I’m going to help you love this man I gave you. My love within you will grow and blossom in your relationship with this one, My earthly son and also with Him, My  firstborn Son.

Now don’t look at what you see. Instead look at Me.


You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3 NKJV

No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. I John 4:12 NKJV

 Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God. Ephesians 5:20,21

This verse is on my bathroom mirror reminding me “In all things, give thanks.” (1Thess.  5:18) especially husbands.


Celebrating 43 years of marriage earlier this year.

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