“Lord, how wonderful it is! How thankful I am! Lord, I am bowing before You again. You Lord, have mercy for me yet again. For this, I offer praise unto You!”

At age 601/2, I am finally going to defeat this enemy of the extra weight that so easily besets me. Yep, the saddlebags  and the bondage of overeating banished forever through the power of the Holy Spirit!

“Lord, I know You are my only hope of freedom! Diets don’t work, not for me! I either won’t or rather don’t stick to a diet or an exercise program. Lord, You are my only hope. I am coming before You, laying down the sacrifice of all my extra snacks and sweets on Your holy altar as my ‘sin’ offering.”

( “My child, I gave My life already as a sacrifice for your sins. Sacrifice is not required from you, My child, what I desire from you is your love and your obedience.”)

1 Samuel 15:22 NKJV:  So Samuel said, “Has the Lord as great delight  in burnt offerings  and sacrifices, as in obeying  the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams.

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