Healing Begins Today

Healing begins today, Child. In fact, I’m going to use all the destruction and death you see now, even wrongful death, to bring about My healing for this land. And it begins today.Healing Begins Today

Lord, we all need You. So can You turn all this around? To begin with, we need revival. Specifically, we need a great move of Your Holy Spirit across this land.

Today, my own son plans to complete a prayer walk around his city’s courthouse. Likewise, maybe we all should do a prayer walk around our cities and throughout our land.


         He is the living God, and steadfast forever, and His kingdom which shall not be destroyed, and His dominion shall be even unto the end. Daniel 6:26


 To begin with Child, no matter what you see, My kingdom will never be destroyed. And My dominion will be for eternity. 

So Lord, can You turn all this around?

Yes Child, I can turn all things around and I will. Now watch and you’ll see what I will do. 


And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. Romans 8:28 AMP


Again Child, I tell you I’m going to use all this destruction and death, even wrongful death, to bring about healing to this land. Yes, healing begins today.

Healing Begins Today

Thank you Lord.

Yes Child, healing begins today. 

Also, I did not cause all this strife and heartache. No, Satan did for He is the cause of all destruction and death. His desire is to kill, steal, and destroy. But I am going to turn all things around. 

Lord, You’re our only hope. Only You can bring healing to hearts, broken hearts, grieving hearts, and even sick hearts.

Child, soon you will hear testimonies of those who once looted and destroyed with hearts full of anger and hate. Soon you will hear them say, “But God. But God intervened and changed my heart. Now I want to serve Him and spread forth the message of His love for mankind.”

Today healing begins. 

Lord, I look forward to hearing these testimonies. We all need to hear a good report of some kind.

First, we had CV-19. Then we witnessed unmerciful death. And then we witnessed riots full of destruction with more unmerciful deaths. Lord, it all looks hopeless.

Stay Home

But My child, wait until you see what I now will do across this land. Watch and see what I do. 

Look throughout My Word. Every time things looked hopeless for My people, I stepped in and brought  forth My victory. Every time.

So from now on, every time things look hopeless, look to Me. Remember what I’ve told you many times. “Don’t look at what you see. Instead look at Me.”

Look to Me, for I am peace and joy. I am real love, love that can’t be explained. Never look to mankind for true love. They are incapable. But always look to Me, for I AM LOVE. 

When My love enters a heart completely, then a life can be changed, truly changed. 

So keep your eyes on Me and what I do. You are going to see and hear of many miracles of changed lives. Watch and see what I do.


He is the living God, world without end. His kingdom never fails. His rule continues eternally. He is a Savior and a Rescuer. He performs astonishing miracles in heaven and on earth. . .  Daniel 6:26 MSG


Child, no matter what you see, know this. I WIN. In fact I always win. So trust Me for I always win. And I am victory indeed. 


I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 NIV


Yes Child, I win. Because I always win the victory. Indeed I have already won.

God's mercy

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