God spoke to my heart concerning a Bible study I was involved in which later I discovered was part of a cult. This is what He said, . . .
“Child, to all who seek it will be found, ALL, not to just one or not even a few chosen. But to ALL, I offer My peace, My love, My forgiveness, restoration and healing. I offer these gifts to ALL who will open their hearts to receive.
I come in Spirit and Truth and My truth will set you free, free from all that holds you captive. For I am the freedom maker. It’s true. I came to set My children free. They are not to be in bondage to anyone or anything.”
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36
“I gave all of you free will to choose. But know this, I never force anyone to choose Me nor do I convince by deception or trickery. Also I did not come to impose more rules of required obedience.”
“Instead I offer to those who are Mine love, truth, and the freedom found in My truth, the truth of My Word. In addition I came to grant forgiveness, and abundance of joy.
Yes, it’s true that where will be a time of judgement in the end time, but that time of judgement is not now. At this time I offer to all the grace of My unmerited love. Besides that, I came not to judge the world, but to save it.
I came to die. Then I rose again to return to My heavenly Father so that the Helper, the Comforter could come.”
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. John 14:26
God spoke to me, If you seek His Presence and then listen, He’ll speak to your heart too.
To read more about what else He said, look for Part Eight. The end of this true story.
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