*Free, Not Held in Bondage *

My children are to be free, not held in bondage to any one person or group, not even to their own self-inflicted bondage. I came to set My people free. Yes, free indeed. I died for your freedom from sins and theirs too. 

How this conversation started –

Hi Lord, Can I have Your Presence while I’m soaking in this tub full of water?  ( I had my Bible, notebook, phones, and a large glass of ice water sitting on the side of the tub getting prepared for a long soak.)

Child, My Presence is with you no matter where you are. I have no physical limitations whatsoever. So, yes I am here.

Lord, no disrespect intended. But I’ve been thinking about this group of people.  I need to know what You want me to do?

Child, I know your heart. 

Lord, do You want me to write about this?

Yes, My child, warn My children. For I want them to be free, not held in bondage to any one person or group, not even to their own self-inflicted bondage.  I came to set My people free. Yes, free indeed. I died for your freedom from sins and theirs too. 

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed in HIm, “If you abide in My Word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31

Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36


Child, know that I have given no “new word” to any one person. Instead I speak to all the hearts of those who love Me and follow My voice. I speak to each one of My children, each and every one individually in different ways so that each one can fully understand My love for them. All they have to do is listen to My voice within their hearts.

But know this as a fact, I have given no “new word” to any one specific person or group of people for I AM the Word and there is no other.


My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I will give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one. John 10: 27-30


Child, come to Me for I am the One that loves you enough to die for you.

Look in My Word. You’ve always found comfort and strength in My Word. For My Word feeds your spirit. 

Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right Hand. Psalm 20:6


And Child, My Word is for all, not a chosen one or a few chosen, but for all who are willing to seek.

For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7:8 and Luke 11:10


Child, to all who seek it will be found, ALL, not to just one or not even a few chosen. But to ALL, I offer My peace, My love, My forgiveness, restoration and healing. These gifts are offered to ALL, not just one, not just a few, but to ALL.

I come in Spirit and Truth and My truth will set you free, free from all that holds you captive. For I am the freedom maker. It’s true. I came to set My children free. They are not to be in bondage to anyone or anything.

The Pharisees didn’t believe I was the Messiah when I come in human form. Also, they had many rules to which they believed one could achieve forgiveness. That’s how you know a true Pharisee today, when they impose many rules on My children.

Also they elevate themselves to be as God and they ask for blind obedience from others. This is not My will, for I give to all free will to choose. Although I long for all My children to choose My love freely, I will never force anyone to obey Me or to accept My love. No, it is freely offered and one chooses to accept it or not.

I gave all of you free will to choose. But know this, I never force one to choose Me nor do I convince by deception or trickery. Also I did not come to impose more rules of required obedience.

Instead I offer to those who are Mine love, truth, and the freedom found in My truth, the truth of My Word. in addition I came to grant forgiveness, and abundance of joy. 

Yes, it’s true that where will be a time of judgement in the end time, but that time of judgement is not now. At this time I offer to all the grace of My unmerited love. Besides that, I came not to judge the world, but to save it.

I came to die. Then I rose again to return to My heavenly Father so that the Helper, the Comforter could come.

This sign was on the door of the tomb of Jesus in Jerusalem. He is risen.

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. John 14:26


Child, the Helper, the Holy Spirit is within you and each one of those who invite Me into their hearts and lives. I did not limit My Helper to only one, or even a select few. But My Helper is for all, each and every one. 

Thank you Lord for your Holy Spirit within me so that I may listen and obey Your voice. And to no other voice will I listen, only Yours.

There is no one person, no matter how godly, holy, or even “Christian” they claim to be, that I have to listen to or obey without question. Only You, God, are the One in charge of me. Only You Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, do I answer to.

After all, real power, guidance, and true wisdom is found only in Your Word, The Holy Bible. There is no other “word” that I am to listen to and obey. Only Your Word, Lord Jesus, is the one “true Word.

Thank you Lord for allowing me to know the truth, YOU Lord. We the people of this land need You to wash over us with Your love. There are so many false little gods out there and they seem to be moving across our land deceiving many with their lies. Lord, deliver us, forgive our many sins and set our people free to worship and praise You and only You, the one true God Almighty.

Lord, we need You and cry out to You for mercy and forgiveness. Heal us and our land. Grant our leaders wisdom, strength, and courage from You. Amen


If My People who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14


(You just read Part one watch for Part two coming up. Possibly the “why” of this writing too. Still praying about it.)



Today, if you’d like to donate to a worthy cause, please consider this one https://preborn.org . Preborn.org provides free ultrasounds for women who are considering an abortion. Then hopefully after the mother sees her unborn child in the womb, she’ll choose ‘life’ for that baby.  So please consider making a  donation for the unborn.

Furthermore, please know that I DO NOT receive any compensation or commission for advertising this organization. However this cause touches my heart.

All contributions go directly to this organization. As a matter of fact, I will not even know if or when you do make a donation.

Click on this link for more information or to make a donation: https://preborn.org.




 First of all, I want to recommend to you a book I wrote with God’s help. During early morning hours, I’d talk with God about my weight/food issues and that’s what the book is about.

After all, He was my weight loss counselor and He still is today. I highly recommend talking to God to everyone who struggles with weight or any other issues. Of course, He’ll listen to you. So talk to Him about anything on your heart. After all, God answers prayers.

Just click on the picture to order your copy. (Thank you Lord, for  forgiveness, second chances, and new beginnings.)

Also, I’d like to share with you about this Spiritual Warfare Bible. I have one myself, but it’s not the Modern English Version. Mine is New King James Version.

However, I love, love this Bible (NKJV). I’ve read mine through twice and wrote personal notes all in it. Yep, I highly recommend this one to you. Click on the box to check it out.


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