Fighting This Battle

I’m fighting this battle. Lord, help me.

Lord, I’m fighting this battle with food addiction and losing. So, if I have the Holy Spirit and the power of God within me, why am I so defeated by cookies, snacks, etc.? So why do I allow myself to become so defeated ? Why?

—But you will receive power when the Holy spirit comes upon you. Acts 1:8 NLT

If we are to have dominion over earth, (Genesis 1:28) then why am I so dominated by cookies, etc.?

Lord, I’ve been reading “The Art of War for Spiritual Battle” by Cindy Trim. So, am I fighting this battle correctly? Am I not praying enough over this food addiction issue?

Child, you do pray over your meals. But how many times have you prayed to seek My will over what you are to eat? 

Uh, not many. In fact, I have to admit there’s been times I started eating first before remembering to stop and thank you for my meal.

Oh, I see. So what does that tell you? 

It tells me I’m more into my food than Your Presence.

Hmm, I see. And how can you change this? 

With Your help Lord, I can do all things.

Hmmm. I see. Do you really believe that? 

Yes Sir.

So today, this is your assignment. Stop before you eat anything . Stop and talk to Me about it . Ask My advice. Ask for My wisdom. Let go of your head knowledge of what is good to eat and what is not. 

Seek My knowledge first. Then wait. Don’t start eating until you receive My directions. Then proceed. Hint: Don’t eat broccoli or green beans just because you know they are low calorie. Seek My will first. You may be surprised.

What if those green beans or broccoli are not My will for you at that moment? What if My will for you at that time is something sweet?  Now wouldn’t that surprise you? 

Yes Sir. It most certainly would.

So Child, that’s My point. I want you to seek My guidance first before putting anything in your mouth. Seek Me first and I guarantee you will have your victory. 

Yes Sir. Thank you Lord for guiding me. Help me to seek You first.

Child, as you seek Me, I will lead you. 

But Lord, I’m such a wimp.

But Child, if you listen to Me, I will make you into a warrior. After all, I did it with Gideon and I can do it with you too. 

Feed On This

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalms 32:8 NLT

Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have declared so well before many witnesses. 1Timothy 6:12 NLT

And we are confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him. And since we know He hears us when we make our requests, we also know that He will give us what we ask for. 1John 5:14-15 NLT

. . . “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1Corinthians 2: 9 NLT

Fighting this battle
I’m fighting this battle by reading God’s Word twice a day, instead of eating snacks.

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