Fasting the News

img_2319Lord, I heard that others are fasting 40 days for our nation and the upcoming election. They’ll begin on September 30th and fast until November 8th. Should I fast too? If so, what kind of fasting would You have me do? I already cut my food portions in half. Do I give up desserts? Do I fast one meal a day? What kind of fasting should I do?

I have a trip planned during part of this time period. Food is a major part of this trip and I don’t want to ruin it for others traveling with me. I also don’t want them to know I’m fasting. It’s bad enough my friends watch as I cut my food in half. Then they ask if I think they should do the same. Lord, I can’t tell them how to eat. Only You can.

But what should I do about this fasting?

Do I give up television? I can do that easy. Television’s boring, although I do like my news station. I know I’ve become a news junkie with three news apps on my cell phone. I check them throughout the day and get new updates. I especially want to know about the events of this upcoming election.

But Lord, what about fasting in prayer for this nation? What would You have me to fast? What would keep me focused on prayer for this nation?

My child, . . .  you could fast the News.

Yes, that a good idea. It would improve your attitude. I’ve listened to you complaining about different news events.  I know of your constant worries over the future. Freeing your ears would eliminate your fears.

Oh Lord . . sigh. . . I’d rather give up desserts.

I don’t think I can do this. It’s just too hard. It’s an Election year!

What about Hubby? He turns on the news first thing every morning. He’s worse than me. Would you have me leave the room when he turns it on? What would that do for our marriage? I wouldn’t even be able to discuss current events with him. What would You have me do?

img_9148My child, stay in the room with him. But read your Bible, write, or pray while he’s watching the news. The people I’ve placed in your life need prayers and the needs are great.

If he discusses news with you, just listen. He will enjoy you listening. After all, you do that so little with him.

You allow the News to influence your mood for the day and you worry so much about the future. Don’t you know yet that I, the Lord and King, hold the future in My hand?

What about my blog or Facebook? Lord, are You sure You want me to fast the News? Desserts would be easier and others wouldn’t notice. Giving up the news is too hard.

My child on your trip others would notice. Besides do you think watching the news will help you make a difference in the world?

No Lord.

img_0593God's Word is encouragement!Would growing deeper in My Word help you minister to others?

I guess.

You know it would. Do you trust Me?

Lord, You know I trust You.

  Do you think the world will survive without you watching every event on your television?

My child, I’ve already told you who will be the winner of this election- I AM. It doesn’t matter who sits in that chair, I am the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I am the Winner. I am the One in charge.


O, Lord, there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears. 1 Chronicles 17:20

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:33,34

  Trust in the Lord,  and do good; dwell in the land, and fee on His faithfulness. Psalm 37: 3


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