Lord, all those dieting rules stress me out. I can’t stick to any of them. Every diet I’ve tried only caused me to feel more defeated. Can You help me?
Child, don’t let dieting rules cause you stress. Instead, come to Me for guidance. Too many rules, especially strict dieting rules, are another form of bondage. Therefore you eat more due to the stress of trying to follow rules.
That’s why My grace wins. Rules never win for mankind is incapable of abiding rules. After all, its the sin nature. Because your fleshly “self” desires to rule over the spirit. This has been an ongoing battle between good and evil throughout eternity.
But know this, I win over all! I win over sin, death, and yes even man-made rules, rather works. In fact, it’s only through My power that anyone can follow rules of life and freedom.
Today’s society would have you believe having no rules will bring freedom. In reality it’s only through the giving of one’s self to Me that brings true freedom and victory.
Society rejects rules because they bring constraint. But sometimes constraint is needed to achieve true victory. But there’s safety in constraint.
The coral keeps the sheep safe from predators. If you allow Me to stand at the door of constraint, I will protect you from your enemy of self-fleshly desires of gratification.
Child, allow Me to surround you with My love. After all, it’s My love for you that enabled Me to shed My blood on that cross. I did that for you- to set you free from the enemies of sin, defeat, death, and yes, even your “self” with its fleshly desires.
I AM the only way, the only truth, and the only true, clean light. My sacrifice of My flesh guarantees you victory over your flesh.
For I am victory. It is only through My power that you can obey any rules
So surrender your “self” to Me. Then I can defeat all your enemies, the enemies of fear, defeat, discouragement, stress, dismay, gluttony, and greed.
Yes, the root of gluttony is greed. But My power can destroy your root of gluttony, greed, especially greed for self- gratification and self pleasure.
Through day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute surrender. As you surrender “self” to Me, I will increase your strength through My power.
Lord, help me. Help my unbelief. I want to believe. I need strength in Your power for I certainly have no strength of my own, especially when it comes to food pleasures or any pleasure for that matter.
Child, this is your new day of victory- new victory and new strength throught the power of My shed blood. Its My blood gives you victory.
He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40:29 NLT
Yet we don’t see ourselves as capable enough to do anything in our own strength, for our true competence flows from God’s empowering Presence. 2 Corinthians 3:5 TPT
Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually [longing to be in His Presence]. 1 Chronicles 16:11 AMP
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