Defeat your giant. David defeated his giant, Goliath, and you can too. If he had considered the giant’s size, David would have been defeated before the battle started. But he knew the power of God was on his side. You do too. So go out and defeat your giant. God has already planned your victory! After all, He enjoys making His children victorious.
So what does your giant look like? Does it seem an unachievable goal? Is it to get a better job? Or maybe it’s to get a job. How about, . . . is it to complete an overwhelming project?
I have a blog buddy, met online, Susie. Now this young lady (50) has defeated some giants. To begin with she’s a Christian from India. She studied to become a doctor. Later she and her husband accepted jobs in Qatar. Because of their location, she kept her identity hidden. But God opened doors. Now she is achieving her dream, taking medical courses at Yale. How’s that for defeating giants? You can read her posts at this link:
We all have giants in our lives that seem impossible to us, in one form or another. But with God on our side, just like David and Susie, we all can overcome and defeat each one. God has placed a dream inside each of us. Now go for it and defeat your giant. For some of us obesity is a giant. As we stand in front of the mirror and look at what we see, our excess weight seems like a giant. As we stand on the scales and look at those numbers, the amount to lose looks enormous.
Goliath taunted the Israelites. How many times has those extra pounds taunted you? What about those tight clothes in the closet you used to wear?
Even more taunting are the food giants that so easily defeat us. We see them in our kitchens, at the drive-ups, and in our favorite restaurants.
Even relaxing in our homes watching television, what comes up? Taunting food commercials pop up and make us want to go buy it. But if it’s not convenient to buy now, you can buy it the next time you’re out.
Last November, 2018, my husband and I went to Israel. One of the places we got to visit was the Valley of Elah. This is where the battle between David and Goliath took place. It was inspiring to look at that valley where David killed Goliath.
Rocks were everywhere, big huge ones, and little ones. David picked up five stones from the Valley of Elah. But I picked up many more and brought them back home. The tour guide gave permission.
Since I’m fighting the giant of obesity, I’ll use one stone per week on my kitchen counter to defeat my giant. Working on week one now.
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