Chaos Everywhere

Lord, it seems the world has gone crazy, chaos everywhere, heartache, suffering, sickness, death, confusion, people attacking one another without even thinking about it. Hatred, it seems abounds throughout. Sometimes I think, “Jesus, come take me out of this mess.”Chaos Everywhere

But then I remember all those who are lost. Some were never taught about You or Your love for them. Therefore they never had a chance to know Your love. So what can I expect from them except hatred?

Chaos Everywhere

They look at this world’s situation too. They see the chaos everywhere and they have no hope. Lord, send someone into their lives that will share Your love with them.

And Lord, I ask for forgiveness because sometimes I respond in anger to these haters, especially on social media. I forget they don’t know You.

How can I show Your love for them if I respond in hatred back at them? So what am I to do?

Child, pray before you respond to others. Up to now you’ve just responded without thoughtful consideration. In fact, you responded through your emotions many times.

Yes Sir. (Hanging my head in embarrassment)

Now Child, I’m instructing you to pray and seek My guidance before you open your mouth in response to others. Pray before you speak, type a word, or even before you “share” the thoughts of others.

God help me.

I want all My children to be witnesses of My love and not respond to others out of hatred. So pray before responding. Take a minute of your time before you respond to anyone. No more immediate responses. Seek My wisdom first.

Lord, help me. A while back, I saw a sign that said, “Lord, put Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth.” I need this. Help me.

Child, if you seek My wisdom before you respond, then I will grant you words of wisdom to share. I will put My Word in your mouth. I will lead you and I will guide you. 

Yes Sir. Thank you Sir.Chaos Everywhere

Lord, it’s going to be hard. This is a year of politics. You know my feelings.

Yes Child. That’s why I’m giving you instructions. This year is going to be a war of words and chaos everywhere. But it’s always been that way since sin first entered Eden.

So remember to pray first before responding to others. Keep your focus to seek My wisdom before you speak.

Also, follow these same instructions before you eat too. Pray first. Then seek My wisdom. Do this before opening  your mouth either to speak or to eat. Then you will have victory.

Yes Sir. Thank you Sir.

Lord, I also ask that Your love wash over this land and all people groups. Fill all of us with Your love and mercy. Help us to show Your love and mercy to each other. You are our only hope. Thank you for hearing our prayers.

Words of Wisdom

Be ANGRY [at sin-at immorality,, at injustice, at ungodly behavior],  YET DO NOT SIN; do not let your anger [cause you shame ,nor allow it to] last until the sun goes down. Ephesians 4:26 AMP

God, give me grace to guard my lips from speaking what is wrong. Guide me away from temptation and doing evil. Save me from sinful habits and from keeping company with those who are experts in evil. Help me not to share in their sin in any way, Psalm 141: 3-4 TPT

I leave the gift of peace with you-My peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but My perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts- instead, be courageous! John 14:27 TPT

Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything! Romans 8:37 TPT


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