Listen For My Voice

Listen for My voiceListen for My voice, seek My guidance. Remember at times, My voice at times is a still, quiet voice. Listen for My voice, Child. Even though there is much noise around, you can still listen. If you focus, listen, trust, and obey, then I’ll lead you to your victory.

I will never give up on you or the victory I have planned for you. So you never give up, My child, for I have great plans coming forth, plans for your victory.

Listen for My voice.

Oh Lord! Thank you, but at times I put my face down in the feeding trough. Am I stupid?

No, My child. . . .just. . .

What Lord? What am I then? Is it Your voice I’m hearing? Am I weird?

No, My child, just backslidden into your old ways. 

Lord, I’m in a trap of my own making. How can I stop this binge eating? I do good for several days, then I return to the slop jar over and over. How can I stop?

Child, come to Me before eating anything. Drink your water and come to Me.

Lord, will I ever stop?

Yes, when you start coming to Me. 

Lord, I thought I heard You correctly when I ordered this program.

You did hear Me correctly. But when you’re into our food pleasure, your ears are closed due to your will to overeat. 

Lord, is there any hope for me? It seems I have no self-control at all.

Child, I am your hope. And I intend to make you strong.

Lord, renew my mind. Make it yours.Submission in your heart


So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. . . 1 Peter 1:14 NLT

So humble yourselves under the mighty power of god, and at the right time He will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you. 1 Peter 5:6,7 NLT

Then He added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.” Matthew 9:13 NLT

Listen for His voice


He’s Never Giving Up!

He’s Never Giving up on you.

Child, I’m not giving up on you. So don’t you give up on you.

He's never giving up Lord, I need Your help. I feel as though I’m emerging from a drunk. (Note: This was written in my prayer journal, Feb. 2020.) So I’m now praising God for my  victory – lost 35 pounds. Praise You Lord.

God has your victory in His Mind. 

He's never giving up
God is never giving up on you.

Child, you are . . .  a food drunk. Now sober up, get up, and wash your face. What’s done is yesterday. Now get up from your bed of self-wallowing. Get up, wash your face and go forth in your new assignment from me.

Lord, again I ask forgiveness for the same old sin that comes back over and over. I ask forgiveness for yesterday’s drunken stupor.

He's never giving up
He’s never giving up on you.

Child, I forgive you. Now get up out of this squalor and go forth for I have many plans for you, plans for a hope and a future, plans not to harm you (or punish you), but rather plans to prosper you.

Child, I’ve already told you I’m not giving up on you.

Lord, I’m sorry I keep returning to the feeding bucket. How can I be so stupid?

Yes Child, you love food. But I am going to remove that love from your heart. You will love Me more than your necessary food. I have plans for you and it’s not for you to gain weight or be addicted to food.

No, instead it’s for you to go forth in My assignments. You know, the ones I have planned for you.

There are many assignments ahead, people’s lives for you to touch, talk with, and connect with their hearts. They will touch your heart. Right now, your heart can’t connect due to being satiated with food.

Lord, please forgive me.

Child, I already have. Through all of this you are learning.

So Lord, will I ever get it right?

Yes My Child, you will. But be aware. After gluttony leaves, then pride comes forth. That’s exactly what help to cause your downfall before, pride.

But know this, I have victory over both, over all. So therefore come to Me. Allow Me to rule over you, both your spirit and your stomach.He's never giving up

Yes Lord. Here I am. Take me. I give myself to You. Thank you for not giving up on me.

Child, I’ll never give up on you. Never. After all, I died on that cross just for you. Yes, even for you. 

He's never giving up


He’s Never Giving Up On You

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. Romans 8:37 NKJV

. . . Keep on working to complete your salvation, and do it with fear and trembling. Yes, God is working in you to help you want to do what pleases Him. Then He gives you the power to do it. Philippians 2: 12, 13 ICB


He's never giving up



He’s Never Giving Up

He’s Never Giving up on you.

Child, I’m not giving up on you. So don’t you give up on you.

He's never giving up Lord, I need Your help. I feel as though I’m emerging from a drunk. (Note: This was written in my prayer journal, Feb. 2020.) So I’m now praising God for my  victory – lost 35 pounds. Praise You Lord.

God has your victory in His Mind. 

He's never giving up
God is never giving up on you.

Child, you are . . .  a food drunk. Now sober up, get up, and wash your face. What’s done is yesterday. Now get up from your bed of self-wallowing. Get up, wash your face and go forth in your new assignment from me.

Lord, again I ask forgiveness for the same old sin that comes back over and over. I ask forgiveness for yesterday’s drunken stupor.

He's never giving up
He’s never giving up on you.

Child, I forgive you. Now get up out of this squalor and go forth for I have many plans for you, plans for a hope and a future, plans not to harm you (or punish you), but rather plans to prosper you.

Child, I’ve already told you I’m not giving up on you.

Lord, I’m sorry I keep returning to the feeding bucket. How can I be so stupid?

Yes Child, you love food. But I am going to remove that love from your heart. You will love Me more than your necessary food. I have plans for you and it’s not for you to gain weight or be addicted to food.

No, instead it’s for you to go forth in My assignments. You know, the ones I have planned for you.

There are many assignments ahead, people’s lives for you to touch, talk with, and connect with their hearts. They will touch your heart. Right now, your heart can’t connect due to being satiated with food.

Lord, please forgive me.

Child, I already have. Through all of this you are learning.

So Lord, will I ever get it right?

Yes My Child, you will. But be aware. After gluttony leaves, then pride comes forth. That’s exactly what help to cause your downfall before, pride.

But know this, I have victory over both, over all. So therefore come to Me. Allow Me to rule over you, both your spirit and your stomach.He's never giving up

Yes Lord. Here I am. Take me. I give myself to You. Thank you for not giving up on me.

Child, I’ll never give up on you. Never. After all, I died on that cross just for you. Yes, even for you. 

He's never giving up


He’s Never Giving Up On You

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. Romans 8:37 NKJV

. . . Keep on working to complete your salvation, and do it with fear and trembling. Yes, God is working in you to help you want to do what pleases Him. Then He gives you the power to do it. Philippians 2: 12, 13 ICB


He's never giving up

Turn Your Focus Back to Me

turn your focus
Focus on My Presence this day.

Child, turn your focus back to Me. Seek My Presence. You’ve asked for a quiet, still life. and yes, that’s nice. But you can have My Presence even in the mist of extreme busyness. Do you think only those with “quiet, still lives” experience My Presence?

Not so, it’s those who seek Me even in the midst of their extreme busy lives. Know that I am with those who seek Me. So, if you miss My Presence, it is not I who left. Rather, it was you who turned your eyes to other things.

Even good things are useless if they cause you to divert your eyes from My love. It’s called “busy work”. Satan loves busy work. Because it keeps you so occupied that you focus on the task or whatever it is at hand and turn your eyes, your attention, even your heart from seeking My Presence. 

So Lord, how do I correct this?

Turn to Me, seek My Presence, seek My opinion, and seek My advice. In general, talk to Me about everything in your life. 

Okay Lord. But what about my weight?

Focus on My Presence
It is through My Presence that you will find your victory.

Ahhhh . . . another issue. Again I tell you seek My advice. Stop before you eat anything, even the foods you consider healthy. Stop first and seek My advice before eating anything. Then watch and see what I will do. This is nothing new to you. We’ve done this routine before. 

Yes Lord, we have. But I backslid. Now look at me, a backslider.

Child, stop. Now you aren’t looking at Me. Rather, you are looking at yourself. Didn’t I just say “Keep your eyes on Me, seek My advice, then watch and see what I will do?” 

Yes Sir. So what about my eating plan for today?

It is good. 

Lord, what about tonight? What’s your will for me tonight? Do I go visit my friend? Should I go shopping instead? Should I call her? Lord, what do I do? Where do I go?

Child, I will lead you. You’re concerned about too many things. Your main job is to focus on Me. Seek My Presence first, over and above all else. 

Okay Lord, lead me. Help me to please You in all I do, all I say, all I think, and even what I eat. Renew my heart and my mind. Make them Yours. Help me focus on what You want me to focus on- Your will and Your love.

Feed On This

“Am I a God near at hand,” says the Lord, “and not a God far off? Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?” says the Lord. . .                     Jeremiah 23:23,24

          I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32:8 

But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] will gain new strength and renew their power. They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles. They will run and not become weary, they will walk and not grow tired. Isaiah 40:31 AMP

It’s About The People

Child, it’s about the people. It’s not the places you’ll go, it’s the people you’ll meet. In fact, it’s always been about the people you touch, you help, or you minster to or encourage. Minister My love to all who I place in your path. Overall, this is your assignment in life.

To begin with, always ask if you can pray for them. You don’t have to have a planned speech to witness about My love, just listen and love them. Be concerned about them and what they’re going through.

It's about the people

It’s not always about your “to do” list. Instead, it’s about relationships with those you love and those I love. It’s about those you live with, your other family members, your co-workers, those at your church, and all those I place in your path. It’s never about the “to do” list. But it’s always about the people. Remember that, it’s always about the people you meet.

Talk to Me first about everything. Also look up from your cell phone and see those I place in your path. Then listen to them. They all have a story. Each one is important to Me.

Remember I AM no respecter of persons. Therefore I’m concerned over each and every single one. So listen to their story for everyone has a story. Look up and listen. First of all, look up from your cell phone and look to Me. Then look around for those I place in your path.

Overall listen to Me, then listen to them. As you listen, seek My guidance and My wisdom. I will lead you how to minister to each one. Sometimes people only need to talk about their life, their worries and their heart cries. Most of the time they just need someone to listen, not give advice, just listen.

Most times they’ll pour out their hearts to a concerned stranger versus someone connected to them. So listen to them, My child. that’s your calling, to be a listener.

To begin with, seek My Presence first. Then ask Me how to lead you as to what to speak to them. Don’t ever worry about if you have the right words or not. If you seek My wisdom, I will give you the right words to speak.

I know you enjoy talking a lot. But I especially enjoy taking the weakness of My children and turning them into strengths. So as you surrender yourself to Me, I will turn your weakness of over-talking into a strength of listening. Just as I will turn your weakness of food compulsion into a strength of food deliverance.

It's all about the people


In addition to helping others by listening to them, you’ll also help inspire others to only eat what is necessary for their health and not emotional pleasure from food. In fact I am setting you free from this compulsion to overeat and I will use your story to inspire others.

So let go My child. Let go of all your conspired- preconceived ideas of what your life should be. Overall look up, speak up and listen up. What a grand adventure you will have.

Thank you Lord for talking with me.

Feed On This

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil . Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones. Proverbs 3:5-8

I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. Philippians 1:9 NLT

Submission In Your Heart


Submission in your heart

Child, it’s not a diet program, or any certain food that will help you break free from this obsession to overeat. It is submission in your heart, yielded before Me, that will break you free from this excessive weight and overeating.

Unless your heart is right, in submission to My will concerning your food, nothing changes. Only your weight will change, going up and down as you struggle between eating everything your heart desires and struggling to follow a diet program.

Keep submission in your heart

Desire the fullness of My Presence and you’ll let go of excessive food. Look to a diet for deliverance  from the obsession to overeat and you’ll be disappointed.

For example, you bought that diet food hoping it would help you. Then you binge ate it, didn’t you.

Yes Sir. It was good.

Child, I present My case to you with this evidence. Unless your heart, and its desires are changed, nothing changes. So as you yield your heart to My will, I’ll lead you. When you have submission in your heart before Me, then I can lead you to your personal victory.

Submission in your heart



Feed On This

So prepare Your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world. So you must live as god’s obedient children. don’t slip back into your old way of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do (even what you eat and drink – my words) just as God who chose you is holy. 1 Peter 1:13 -15

So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time He will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God for He cares about you. 1Peter 5:6

Commitment to Victory

Lord, I’m making a commitment to victory, 40 days of victory. Yes, I’ve lost 35 pounds, but I keep going up and down on the scales depending on what I eat each day. And yes, I’ve been sloppy with my eating, taking a few bites here and a few bites there. Overall, it’s always been small things. Continue reading Commitment to Victory

The World Has Gone Crazy

Lord, I want Your will in my life. Because at times I think the world has gone crazy. It seems that everything has gone upside down from what it should be. And I am confused about many things.

Child, as you put it, the world has gone crazy. But nothing has really changed. For it has always been so, since Adam. But I have come to offer hope. For I AM hope, I am deliverance, I am freedom, and I am salvation. Therefore I AM all you need.

Adam and Eve in the Garden

Lord, my attention is so easily distracted on so many different things. Sometimes I choose to turn on the television, or radio, just to get the news of what is going on in my world. I’ve been seeking the other sources besides You. Forgive me.

Lord, I want You as my first love. And I want to keep You first in my life. Help me to stay focused on You.

Child, you can’t build success without Me. If you depend on Me to lead you, I will help you. Make Me the boss of your life.

Do you remember last May when you were going through that difficult time at work? Remember when you declared that I was your boss. Therefore you worked for Me and no other. Remember how I helped you each day?

Yes Sir.

Child, I am still your boss. So come to Me with all your concerns. Then I will lead you and direct all your steps, even your words.

Lord, I went to the grocery store today. But I didn’t think to ask for your guidance about what to purchase for our food preparations. Help me remember to seek Your wisdom. Forgive me for not consulting You first, for You know what is best for our bodies, and what is best for my pocketbook.

Child, put My words in your car, on your desk, and in your kitchen.

-I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Psalms 32:8 NKJV

Thank you Lord for the assurance from that verse that You will guide me and teach me as I go forth.

Lord, guide all my actions, words, and even my thoughts. Help me to do Your will in all things. Overall Lord, help me to do Your will, say Your will and even think Your will in all my ways. Amen

It Pleases Me, So Seek Me

Child, when you cry out to Me for wisdom, direction, forgiveness, or for instruction, it pleases Me. Every time you come to My Presence, and express your love for me, it pleases Me. And every time you reach out to another in love and concern, it pleases Me. Also every time you give to others out of a desire to genuinely help, it pleases Me.

It pleases Me, so seek Me.
It pleases Me, so seek Me.

As long as you come to Me with your needs, your desires, your concerns, it pleases Me. And yes, when you tell Me about your joys, your pleasures, and your excitement too, it pleases Me.

I want to be your confidant, your friend, and your God. Because I want your love and consideration, I’m reaching out to you. Overall, I  want to be the largest part of your life. I want you to involve Me with every concern you have. and I want to be included in your celebrations over your victories too. 

Lord, forgive me for gripping and blaming others for my mess-ups and misunderstandings. Help me to learn and do what pleases You. Forgive my many failures. Help me not complain, or seek the voice of others instead of seeking Your voice. Help me look to You for hope instead of others. Lord, forgive me for judging others, instead of bringing them to You.

Child, I have many plans for the the future, even your future. So look up. Quit looking around at what you see and getting so discouraged. Instead look up at me. See what I have done. Quit focusing on what evil is doing and focus instead on what I am doing.

Look for the good. It’s so easy to see the bad, for it always stands in front of your so-called news. But I want you to look for the good I am bringing forth. Seek My will in all things. Then you’ll see what I will do. It please Me, so seek My Presence.

Fight the good fight. Don’t give up. So you fell down and messed up. Now get up,  brush yourself off, and go forth again. Keep on going forth and keep your eyes on Me. Keep seeking My Presence and I will lead you to your victory. 

By the way, each one has their own individual victory. Just as you used to create individual plans for your students, I also create individual plans of victory for each one. What is victory for one is not necessarily victory for another. But know this, each and every one of My children have a plan of victory for their lives.

It pleases Me, so seek My Presence.
It pleases Me, so seek My Presence.

Each individual has a  different plan just as each snowflake is different and just as each fingerprint is different. Know each plan is created for each specific individual. And I have planned a specific victory for each and every one.

At this time fear wants to rule. But I have overcome fear. I rule over all.  Fear will never win for I am victory. 

Now look up . Look up to Me, to My glory, for I am victory. And I work out all things for the good those who are Mine. Even what you perceive as bad, I will  turn around for the good of those who love me. 

It pleases Me, so seek My Presence.

Lord, I want You and I want to seek You. I want to please You in all things. Help me.

But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28


Lord, did I mess up by weighing myself last night?

No, My Child, but look to Me for your rewards of obedience, not that box you stand on. Also don’t get so full of yourself, self piety, in how spiritual you are.

Yes Sir. I see my failures for they are obvious to me. I did get knocked down by frustration and disappointment. Help me to please You in all I do, say, and think.

Child, I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32:8

It pleases Me, so seek Me.