What Is Your Choice?

Child, what is your choice, My love or your own way?

Lord, thank you for loving me. Although I don’t know why You do. I certainly don’t deserve Your love.What is your choice?

Child, no one deserves My love. but I choose to freely give it. You don’t, you can’t earn it. No one can be good enough to deserve it. But I choose to freely give My love. I reach out offering My love to all.

Lord, why do you love mankind, for we all are evil? Why? Why do You care about us at all?

Child, it is because I created each one. I value each life. I am a good God who freely reaches out to all in mercy and love. I am not a performance-based god.

In fact, I am a God  who loves unconditionally. No matter who you are or what you have done, I freely offer My love to you without conditions.

It is not I who rejects those who are evil. Rather, it is those who reject Me. But I still reach out to them offering My love freely to all. I do not choose one over another. I offer My love completely to all who will accept it.

It is those who reject Me that breaks My heart. Because I know what their choice will cost them, eternal damnation. And I do not want that for My children. Just as you want good for your children, I want good for all of Mine. 

Therefore, I offer My love, My freedom, and My peace to all. 

It is those who reject Me, that unknowingly choose torment, and that breaks My heart. Satan lies to them. He tells them that My way cheats them of living a joyful life. 

But Satan’s way will only lead to heartache. The pleasures of sin are short-lived. They are soon replaced by the horrors of entrapment and bondage that sin always brings. 

But the peace and joy of My forgiveness always comes from accepting and inviting My love into your life. So what is your choice?

Seek His answers

I keep all My promises written in My book, the Bible. But Satan is the chief liar. His goal is to cheat, kill, steal, and destroy.

My goal is to bring life, joy, peace, forgiveness, and love. You get to choose. So which will it be? 

A life of surrender brings true freedom. In comparison, a life of selfishness brings misery. In the beginning it seems to bring joy in having your own way. But in the end, misery results.

So which will you choose? What is your choice?

Consider This

For this is how God loved the world: he gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.

There is no judgment against anyone who believes in Him. But anyone who does not believe in Him has already been judged for not believing in
God’s one and only son.  John 3: 16- 18 NLT

So what is your choice?God given boundaries



I Am For You

My child, I am for you. I have always been here for you this whole time. All throughout your life, I have been with you. From your youngest memory, even before that I’ve been here for you.

I created you. Therefore I already know your weaknesses and I know your strengths too. In fact, I know all of your heart and it is good. You’re funny and you mess up a lot, but I know your heart and it is good. After all, I live inside your heart because you invited Me. 

Thank you Lord. You are good too. And I know Your heart is full of love for all, especially for those who struggle, who are in pain, and those who are being persecuted and suffering.

Yes My child, My heart grieves for them. But I do hold them in My arms and gather them into Heaven with me or I lead them to their victory here on earth. 

Mankind can be so cruel and heartless without any compassion for others. All of this is due to the influence of Satan and his evil .

But My power is greater and those who suffer because of Me will be greatly rewarded. I snatch them away into paradise and peace.

But those who are consumed with evil will be consumed by evil themselves and suffer for eternity. 

So the suffering you behold of those who are Mine will only be temporary. But those who are evil will suffer for eternity, throughout eternity.

My Child, don’t worry so much about what you see and hear on your so-called news for I have breaking news for them. I WIN! I AM the Winner! And those who are Mine also win.

They are overcomers for I provide unto them supernatural strength, My strength. 

My Child, you are a winner too. You are an overcomer too. 

Lord, I don’t feel like an overcomer at all. In fact, I feel like a failure most of the time, like a full bloated failure.

Child, this race journey is not over yet. And if I say you are a winner, then it is so. Don’t argue with Me for I am God and you are not. 

But Lord, look at me.

Child, I do look at you. And I love what I see in you, My reflection. 

Lord, I don’t see that at all. I see an overweight, frumpy, wrinkled person.

Child, I see My beautiful child, full of joy and love and compassion for others. Therefore I look at My creation and say, “It is good.”

Lord, help me to see what You see. So I won’t feel so defeated all the time. But I don’t want to be egotistical. I do want to to serve You and bring You honor and glory.

My Child, you do and you are and you will for I have ordained it to be so. Because I love you and you are Mine. I am for you. Never forget that. Never give up for you are Mine.

I Am For You

We love Him because He first loved us. 1John 4:19 NKJV

Do not be afraid or discouraged. for the Lord your God is with you whenever you go. Joshua 1:9 NLT

Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments. Deuteronomy 7:9 NKJV

For this is how God loved the world. He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 NLT


Choose Me-Love Me

My child, choose Me-love Me with all your heart. Let go of your overabundant pleasure food. Trust Me. Commune with Me. Then watch and see how I set you free from all that holds you in entrapped.

Now look at Me, not what you see.

Lord, do I go weigh myself now for a starting point?

No, trust Me, not that box you stand on.

Lord there are so many hurting, so many suffering, even death because they choose You. Yet, here I am full and bloated because I choose pleasure food.

Child, if you will lean unto Me, then I will teach you how to succeed and prosper in your victory. I’ve planned victory for you all along.

It’s a New day for victory.

It’s when your eyes look along at the pleasures of the wayside that you get sidetracked. So look at Me. Keep your eyes on Me. And I will lead you to your victory. 

Today is a new day with a new victory, learning to walk, talk, and eat in My Presence. So allow Me to lead you in total dependence on Me. Seek My will, My guidance, and My wisdom in all things.

This also includes what you eat, where you go, what you buy or sell. My desire is to lead you to total victory- for I AM victory.

Yes Lord, I do want to bring You honor and glory. But it seems I am weak.

Child, I AM strong. Let the weak say I am strong.

Victory coming forth.

Lord, when the thought comes, “Get something sweet” or “Get more”, I don’t even stop to think long enough to even seek Your help. In fact, I just go for the sweet junk food or I just eat everything blindly without seeking Your advice.

Please forgive my selfishness. Also would You forgive all my failures to obey You in all things, especially what I eat. Because I have loved my pleasure food more than you. So Lord, help me treasure you more than my necessary food.

Yes, I do want to obey You in all things and achieve the goal of victory You have planned for me. Help me do so.

Child, you can. Remember, you can do all things through My strength which I freely give to you. I’ll give you strength to win all your struggles and all your battles.

Choose Me-love Me, and I’ll set you free from this self-inflicted bondage.

Choose Me-Love Me

You shall love the Lord your god with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5 NKJV

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21 NKJV

Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice . . . 1Samuel 15:22 NKJV

. . . Let the weak say, “I am strong.” Joel 3:10 NKJV


You Will Learn

My Child, you will learn. But know all throughout your life you’ll be learning. Because life is a process of learning.

So come into My Presence now and I’ll teach you for I am the best teacher. And you will learn. Also know I love you and I gave My life for you. That, My Child, is true love-“Giving”.

As a matter of fact, it’s through giving that true love is expressed. So learn that.

Now give yourself, your will, and your dreams to Me. Then watch and see what I bring about in your life, your victory. After all, the victory I give is the sweetest dessert ever. 

Yes Sir, Here I am. I give myself to thee.

Child, you’ll learn life’s not about your pleasure. But instead real life is about My pleasure in loving you. It gives Me great pleasure to love and guide all My children to their personal victory.

In fact, I enjoy watching each one succeed in their individual, personal victories. After all, I created each child to be a winner. You’re one of My winners too. And I give unto you victory over all that comes your way.

Above all else, I want good conversation with you, not your “God-do” list. You feel guilt if you  don’t get all your list prayed over. But I feel used when you only talk to Me about your “God-do” list. 

My child, prayer is not your list. But rather real  prayer is you and I talking together about everything in your life. Together we can talk about the needs of others you are concerned about and your needs as well. 

But I also enjoy talking with you about all the events of your life. I enjoy hearing your opinions and thoughts too. What about the weather? I enjoy hearing about all your plans and your dreams too.

Yes, I want one to one, intimate conversation with you. But most of all, what I desire is true, honest conversation between you and I, not just your prayer list.

What I desire is conversation as one who is loved by another who is loved. Overall, I long for real, true conversation with all MY children. Most of the time, I just get their “God-do” lists.

My child, I’m doing something new in your life. So be filled with excitement and anticipation of what I am doing for this is a different adventure, full of wonder and victory.

So walk with Me. Talk with Me. You’ve heard, “It’s all about relationship.” That’s My truth. It’s My desire to have a deep intimate relationship with each one of Mine. In fact, I want this with all My children, each and every single one. 

So Lord, what do You want me to do now?

Rest. For now rest in My Presence. Bask in My love. Share My love with others. 


My heart has heard You say, “Come and talk with Me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” Psalm 27: 8 NLT

For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk’ it is living by God’s power. 1Corinthians 4:20 NLT

My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from Me, for My Father has given them to Me, and He is more powerful than anyone else.              John 10:27-29 NLT

Despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can separate us from God’s love.                  Romans 8:37, 38 NLT

Deliver Me From Myself

Deliver me from myself.
Deliver me from myself.

Lord, deliver me from myself and my stupid ways. Sometimes I’m my own worst enemy.

I will teach you, Child, how to be a successful overcomer, and how to achieve your personal victory. But first, focus on your submission, for submission is your key to victory and success. 

Lord, help me to turn completely to You in all my ways, with a yielded heart before You. Fill me with an increased desire for more of You, the sweetness and the glory of Your Presence.

Lord, I want to be able to stand, or rather kneel, before you with a clean heart and a yielded submissive spirit before You. Renew my mind so that it seeks Your will in all my ways, actions, and words, even to what I eat.

In fact, deliver me from myself, full and bloated with my selfishness.

Lord, I ask for a new heart and a new spirit. I can accomplish nothing in my own power. Therefore I ask for more of Your Holy Spirit and Your power to resist temptations that come before me.

Lord, forgive me for I am a sinner. Help me to turn away from my wicked, selfish sins. Then help me to turn to You with a yielded heart and spirit.

Renew my mind and fill me with a desire for more of You and Your Word.

Child, My Word is how your mind gets renewed. It is My Word that destroys the power of the enemy, even your enemies of selfishness and pride, especially pride in your self-sufficiently.

You can never win over self. But I can help you win.

Come to Me and I will help you cross the finish line to your victory. I am the winner and I always win. Because I am Victory.

So come to Me, into My Presence with a yielded heart. And I will grant you a new heart, a clean heart, and a renewed mind.

Do you not think I can cleanse your mind from all the lies of the mind blinding spirit? The  truth, My truth, My Word will set you free, not the words of others, but My Word. So Seek My Word for your truth.

Yes Sir. Help me to do so.

Child, come to Me and into My Presence. Then I will give unto you all the strength and power you need to become an overcomer who walks and breathes in total victory. For I AM  total victory.

Thank you Sir. Here I am before You. Deliver me from myself. Cleanse me, make me into what You desire for me to be.


With God we will gain the victory, and He will trample down our enemies.        Psalms 108:13  (Even ourselves, if we are our own worst enemies.) 

Therefore I will judge each of you, . . . repent, and turn from your sins. Don’t let them destroy you. Put all your rebellion behind you, and find yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. . . Ezekiel 18: 30-31 NLT

The Lord is my strength and song, He has given me victory. . . Exodus 15:2 NLT

God is awesome in His sanctuary. The God of Israel gives power and strength to His people. Praise be to God! Psalms 68:35 NLT


I’ll Give You Victory

Child, I’ll give you victory if only you’ll listen and obey as I lead you.

Lord, help me.

Indeed I am helping you. But you must be willing to let go. Satan doesn’t want you to win your victory. He doesn’t want any of Mine to have victory. In fact, he wants all of Mine defeated in their weakness.

But I win. As you yield yourself to Me, I win and you win too. 

Lord, I turn stupid at night.

Child, I will give you victory. If you’ll talk to Me before eating, then I will fill you with strength and wisdom. Because I intend for you to have victory and for you to be one of My “trophy children”.

So come to Me, first and foremost, before eating more than your body needs. 

Lord, help me.

Child, if you’d come to Me, then you would be given new strength  and new wisdom. Quit trying to do this in your own power. For I’ll give you victory.

The overwhelming compulsion to overeat would leave. Satan never wins over My Presence. Because I always win. I AM victory. So come to Me for Your victory.

Lord, help me manage my time correctly.

Child, you had time for Me last night.

Yes Sir. I know.

Child, if you would come to Me, I would lead you. For I am in charge of time. 

Lord, help me.

Child, I am and I will. Just come to Me for all you need for I AM all you need. After all,  I AM your provider. 

Yes Sir.

Child, don’t think of yourself as a failure, for you are My “Victory trophy”. You are. Believe it.

Be strong in the Lord
There are no perfect people, but God has already planned for your victory.

Yes Sir.

Child, come to Me before compulsive eating. Just 15 minutes, invest 15 minutes in yourself. Place yourself in My Presence. For it is My Presence that gives you victory, My Presence. Think about that. 

My Presence is stronger than your compulsions. It’s My Presence that guarantees your victory, 

“Victory is Mine”, saith the Lord, for I AM the winner. With Me on your side, you can’t lose in defeat for I always win over all. Yes, all. 

Even when it looks as though all is lost, I AM victory. I AM. How many times do I have to tell you? “Don’t look at what you see. Instead look at Me.” 

So don’t even look at yourself for you don’t see what I see in you. I see you as My “Victory trophy”. Come into My Presence so you can see what I see in you, My Child. Indeed you are one of My victory trophies. 

As each of My children come into My Presence in complete surrender, I re-create them into a Victory trophy. So Child, come to Me for your victory.  I am holding your victory in My hand. 

After all, I AM victory. Therefore all of Mine are victory too. So come to Me for your victory. I’ll give you victory. 

Today Lord, I give you My heart. Forgive my many failures. Lead me this day to Your will in all things. Above all else, I want to make You proud of me. Furthermore I want all the victories You have for me.


For the Lord delights in His people; He crowns the humble with victory.          Psalms 149:4 NLT

Despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. Romans 8: 37 

For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve victory through our faith. 1John 5:4 

Come to Me, My child

God Wants Relationship **


God wants relationship
God wants a relationship with you.

God wants a relationship with you. The greatest desire of His heart is to have a relationship with you. Yes, YOU.

Below is one of my early morning conversations with Him about our relationship.

God wants relationship
God wants to start a relationship with you today.

But know this, what He speaks to my heart, He also means the same for you. In fact, He loves you more than you can ever know. And He will even use your own weight loss struggles to reach your heart.

Our Conversation:

Child, I’m calling you unto Myself. I’m calling you unto Me. Your relationship with Me is more important versus any “work” you could do for Me. What I desire most is your heart toward Me.

Yes Sir. Help me Lord to love You as You desire. Help me to obey You in all things.

Child, I will lead you as you seek Me.

Thank you Lord for the weight loss in spite of the cake I ate last night.

Child, you’re thinking too small. Just as the story of the lottery winner who said, “Now I can buy a double wide”, you’re thinking too small. Now come unto Me and I will fill your mind with possibilities.

I will renew your mind and make it Mine. So come to Me and let go of all that stubble. I’ll show you what’s most important. I will show you great and mighty things.

Yes Sir. Is my prayer list okay?

Yes, but I’d rather converse with you versus hearing your rote list. Although I do realize lists help you stay focused. So it’s alright. What’s most important to Me is our relationship together.

Yes Sir. Help me to please You in all my ways, actions, words, thoughts, and even my food choices.

Child, what you need is a vacation. But more than a trip, your mind needs to rest in My Presence. That’s where your strength comes from, My Presence. So come to Me for I have much to say to you.

And Child, My words will be more encouraging than any other words you could hear. Allow Me to speak to your heart and mind. Allow Me to fill you with My encouragement.

Obey Me in this and you’ll see a great turnaround in your life.
Let go of all else and come to Me. Then watch and see what I do in your life. Because I do have great plans for you, plans for a hope and a future.

God Wants Relationship

The words He speaks to me also applies to you as well. In fact, God is no respecter of persons. What He means for one, goes the same for all His children. Seek His Presence today. You’ll never regret it. You will find joy and peace in His Presence.

Feed On This

For there is no partiality with God. Romans 2:11 NKJV

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16,17 NKJV

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:11-12 NKJV



Lifestyle Change

Lord, is this way of eating to be a lifestyle change? Will I have to eat this way for all my life?

So I can never eat all I want. Will I always have to consider what’s before me and choose wisely? In fact, am I to seek Your wisdom and guidance over everything I put in my mouth, in my mind, and in my spirit too?

So whatever I eat, watch, read, or listen to, I am to consider my choices and then seek Your wisdom over it all. Overall, I am to live a completely yielded life in complete surrender of all my selfishness to Your guidance and wisdom.

Child, I am teaching you all throughout this process of your life. I will lead you as you seek My guidance. And yes, you will be making a lifestyle change. From now on, you are to seek My will in all things, with every thought, word, or action.

Lord, I need You to guide me for every little detail of my life and all my choices.

Child, I want you to focus on Me and the needs of those around you. Listen to them as they speak. You will learn much. Also I want you to learn from Me. I desire to teach you to listen to Me and follow My guidance without doubt or hesitation. 

I want you to be a “follower” of Me, not of others, but Me. So yes, you could say this will be a lifestyle change for you. 

Do this for yourself and for those I place in your life. I have a purpose for you and it’s not to be constantly seeking the voice of others. It is to be seeking My voice and following My will.Seek His answers

Listen to Me. Follow My guidance and obey My will without doubt or hesitation. This is the lifestyle change I desire for you. 

So learn to listen as I speak and learn to follow as I lead. The key to your victory is surrendering your will to My will. 

Okay Lord, teach me how.

Child, I’m in the process of teaching you now. 


“If any of you wants to be My follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24 NLT

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29: 11 NLT

Never Give Up