Tasting His Sweetness


Lord, I’m declaring today “Day One” of a my new maintenance plan. I want to finish losing this weight. It would be nice to say, “I’ve lost a 100 pounds,” but I know it’s just a number. Right now it seems I gained two pounds. Sigh.

My fingers are swollen and I feel fat. I weighed after my usual cups of coffee. Wait, . . .  I weighed after drinking a pot of coffee. I should have known better. Sigh. IMG_4314

img_8506Help me to walk in victory, victory in obedience to You and what You say, victory over food, and victory over the words and thoughts that pop in my head.

Lord, thank You for being my friend and helping me as I go forth. Direct me as how to please You in all I say and do. And yes, I am hungry for more of You. Teach me how to get full of You and all You have for me. Lord, fill me with Yourself.

This is my plan for my eating today, “Wait until I am hungry.” It seems logical, but Lord, I know what seems logical to us is not always logical to You. So, is this Your will for me?IMG_4304

You may try this for today.

Lord, I don’t think I’ve been overeating.  (Eat only three meals with half-servings and no snacks.) Yes, I’ve stuck to the rules, but maybe I’ve eaten too many half-servings. Too many half servings is still too much even if it is a half serving. I know two halves make a whole serving and four halves make two full servings. Sigh. . . . img_7617

Lord, I want You.

My child, I AM here.  img_8424

Lord, I want You.

I AM here.

Thank you. Lord, I want a “new” with You. Grant me a “new” beginning.  Fill me with a new filling of You. I want the sweetness of You. I have tasted the sweetness of crème filling, but I want to taste more of Your sweetness. That is sweeter.

My child, I AM here and I will fill  you with Myself. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; the old has gone, the new is here!            2 Corinthians 5:17

I am the Lord your God; who brought you out of Egypt; open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. Psalm 81:10


Remember the sweet taste of  a crème filled donut. Now take a moment to praise God for His sweetness. He is sweeter!


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