Eating in Gatlinburg, Tenn. – Dieters Beware.

Pecan waffle
Leaving half but I did eat all the pecan topping.

Breakfast Friday morning at the Pancake Pantry.

Hubby bought a sausage dog from a street vendor for lunch and we split it.

For those inquiring minds who want to know, I didn’t gain weight on this trip. Didn’t lose either, stayed the same.

My half sausage dog. Yum


For dessert I had one bite of this fudge. When the clerk saw I ate only one bite, she said, “No one counts calories in Gatlinburg.” I smiled and told her, “I don’t count calories. This is all I want, just a taste.”  (Thank you Lord.)


There were many food temptations here, candy stores on every corner. I thought it was real tacky to put scales right across from the candy store. Real tacky indeed. Do they think you’re going to weigh yourself after eating the candy, or before? (Thank you Lord for delivering me from the compulsion to eat everything.)


Then for supper, we had a big date to go to Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede, dinner and a horse show.  Everyone sits around in the arena while the server brings food. They requested no cameras to scare the horses, but I did get some shots without horses.
They serve cream of chicken soup first with a cheese biscuit. Then they bring a whole small rotisserie chicken and a slice of pork followed by a baked potato and ear of corn. The servers give everyone their chicken first, then the pork, potatoes, corn, etc. For dessert they hand out apple turnovers. There are no forks, spoons, or knives. You eat with your hands as you watch the horse show.

 I ate the small legs and saved the breast meat for another meal. Then I ate half of the side items including a half of the turnover.

The horse show was very entertaining with horse races, comedy, and music.


Breakfast the next day was at our honeymoon tradition. We ate here on our honeymoon 42 years ago. Every time we go to Gatlinburg, we have to visit the Donut Friar. I always get a cinnamon roll, pull it apart and eat one section at a time. That’s how I ate it on our honeymoon, so I continue the tradition. This trip I only ate half the roll and carried the rest home.                        img_7712


Lunch was at Bubba Gump’s. I got gumbo and left part of it. Remember “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.”                                                                   






This is what I left. I was just too excited to eat. That’s a first for me.
Ms. Patti Gallo Bryant

This little lady, Patti Gallo Bryant, is the reason we went to Gatlinburg. She invited me to a banquet to honor the birthdays of children, both those born and the unborn. Her ministries: The Smokey Mountain Alliance for the Unborn, Single and a Mom Ministry, and The Harvest Ministries, all help struggling single women with children. If the women are pregnant, she raises necessary supplies for the babies. Her goal is to save babies from abortion by helping the mothers.  She said that so far she has saved 2400 babies. The rest of us criticize those considering abortion, but she reaches out in love to desperate pregnant moms and helps provide for their needs, a worthy ministry. She loves with actions as well as words.

At the banquet I met some special people, Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus. (John & Nana Wilder) They own “The Passion Play in the Smokies” in Sevierville, Tenn. Yes grandchildren, I have met the real Santa. He is a real live  person. Dreams do come true.

We also met Karen Mercer, PhD, a Christian counselor who also fights to save the unborn. Her record is 5800 babies so far saved from abortion. At the banquet, we enjoyed the puppets and saxophone of Lee & Sherry Hopkins who are missionaries to the USA. They were a lot of fun and great music too. Overall, it was a wonderful evening meeting new friends that give of themselves to serve both God and others.

Gatlinburg is full of beautiful lights. img_7652





— Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. Matthew 18: 4-5 NKJV

“Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 18: 10 NKJV

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19: 14



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