IMG_0709     — Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him, and he [will eat] with Me.           Revelations 3:20 AMP

(My child, I want you to invite Me in to eat with you!)

Oh My Lord, yes, I want You to eat with me! Yes, Lord come!

(My child, Invite Me to join you in every event of your life for I love you with all My heart! After all, I gave My life for you!)

— Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.                 John 15: 13 NKJV

[the next morning:]

Lord, last night I invited You to eat supper with me. I felt Your Presence at my table. Thank you Lord, for being with me. I ate smaller portions and even left some food on my plate. But honestly, I didn’t like the taste of some of it. Nevertheless, You provided the willpower! In the past, I would have eaten it all anyway to prevent waste. But it was so wonderful to wake up this morning with an empty stomach! In the past, during one of those times that I had lost weight, an empty stomach in the morning was a sign that I was losing weight. But I did not weigh myself to check that out per Your instructions to wait until the scheduled weigh-in time. Now Lord, it is breakfast time and I have already prepared the food for another. What is Your will for me to eat this morning and when do I eat it?

(My child, wait until you experience hunger. I want you to hunger after Me and your physical hunger will remind you to seek My Presence.)

[later, that afternoon:]

Alright Lord, I waited until I felt hunger, then I ate a pear. Hmm, I didn’t want anything else. Wow! Then at lunch, I ate smaller portions and I experienced fullness even with these smaller portions. Thank you Lord for helping me with these meals.

— For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses and infirmities and liability to the assaults of temptation, but One Who has been tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sinning.                                                                           Hebrews 4;15 AMP

Lord, I do have a wonderful blessing ahead, a friend has volunteered to cook supper for us. It is so wonderful to have this reprieve from cooking supper. This is a real luxury! Thank you for this blessing, but I have one problem. Lord, my friend is such a good cook; what if I lack control and instead of eating small portions, I eat everything in large quantities just for the joy of it? Oh, and Lord, she makes this wonderful bread pudding that I love. I could just eat it all until I am sick! What am I going to do? How will I possibly be able to eat small portions of this special delight? Lord, help!!!

(My child, I am here for you. Yesterday, did you not cry out in your heart for someone to bring food over so that you could have a ‘break’ from all this cooking that you are doing for another as a caregiver?)

Yes Lord.

( Well, I heard the cry of your heart and I provided this meal of luxury. I placed the thought in the heart of your friend to offer this meal. Now do you think that I would arrange this meal to set you up for failure? No, My child. I have arranged this meal for you as victory! Do not look at this meal in fear, but expect the victory ahead and praise Me for both the provided meal and the victory!)

Yes Sir! You are right! I was so tired of cooking and preparing meals yesterday that I did cry out in my heart, “Lord, let someone bring us a meal, I am so tired!” But I had no idea that it would really happen, or even be from this friend!

(My child, don’t you know yet, that I hold in My hand all that you have need of?)

Yes Lord!

. . . . . . but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.                                              I Corinthians 10:13 NKJV

(My child, don’t fear this provided meal, but expect it with victory, for I have already the victory for you!)

Yes Sir! Thank you Sir! Yea, victory ahead!

[later at night,  before bedtime:]

Lord, thank you, it was wonderful! I enjoyed both the food and the company! But Praise You My Lord, I did not overeat! It was victory indeed! Praise You, My Lord!