Tag Archives: Today is a day of victory.

Trust Me Child

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Trust Me Child.

Trust Me Child in blind faith. As you yield yourself to me, I’ll set you free from all your bondages, overeating, scales, and especially the bondage of performance based self-approval. 


Yes, you only approve of yourself when you perceive yourself doing all things right. Therefore you only approve of yourself on those days you succeed at following all your self-created rules of performance.

Then on other days when you don’t succeed at following your own rules, you perceive yourself a failure. But none of My children are failures. Of course they are all strugglers and learners, but never failures.

It’s because I’m holding on to and teaching each one just as I am teaching you now. And each one will gain their victory just as you will gain your victory too.

Cease striving and know that I am God . . . Psalms 46:10 NASB

For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, “Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13

When you depend on yourself-inflicted rules, you fail. Because you’ll never achieve perfection in life, in obedience, or even in your food choices. But when you depend on My guidance, then I can lead you to inner peace and victory.

As a matter of fact, I can take your so-called failures and turn them around for your good and My glory. Now to begin this victory journey, read My Word for encouragement and instructions. Then you can see what I speak to you Myself through My words.

God, the Master, the Holy One of Israel, has this solemn counsel: “Your salvation requires you to turn back to Me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves. Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on Me- the very thing you’ve been willing to do. . . . Isaiah 30:15 Message

In great trouble I cried to the Lord and He answered me; from the depths of death, I called, and Lord, You heard me! Jonah 2:2 TLB

Lord, Jonah was trapped in that fish. Now I’m trapped in this food addiction and I’m crying out to You. Help me! Would you deliver me from Myself?

Yes Child, I’m here for you. And I’ll help you. In fact, I’m helping you now. And you’re going to break free from this, for I have ordained it. I’m here to set you free. 

“Victory is Mine,” saith the Lord. And I intend for you to have victory as well. In fact, I intend for all of Mine to walk in victory, for I am victory. Therefore victory is yours too. So you will never be a failure to Me. 

Now go forth and walk in your victory today.A new day of victory

Yes Sir. Thank you Lord. Help me to follow and obey Your will in all things, in all ways, my actions, words, and thoughts, even to what I eat.

Renew my mind. Make it Yours. Create in me a clean heart and a steadfast spirit. I want to be steadfast to follow Your will in all things

        Then the Lord ordered the fish to spit Jonah out onto the beach.                    Jonah 2:2

Without a doubt Child, you’re going to be free from your trap of self-inflicted bondage too, for I have ordered it to release you as well. Now watch and see how I work out all things for your good and My glory. So trust Me Child.

Thank you Lord, Praise you Jesus.

Trust Me Child, Because today is a day of victory for you.


Be Strong, My Child

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Be strong, My Child

Be strong, My Child.

Lord, does my overeating take away the power of my prayers?

No, My child. It takes away the power of your faith in your prayers. 

That’s why Satan works so hard to keep you defeated and ashamed. Because it damages your faith, which in turn, takes away the power of your prayers. 

I see. Lord, I never knew.

Child, without faith you have no power. Instead you’re defeated and ashamed. That’s why Satan works so hard at tempting My children. His goal is to destroy the power of their faith.

So be strong, My child. 

(Accuser: Yes, people all over the world are struggling for life and you’re defeated by pleasure food. What a weak, wimpy Christian you are. You’ll never be strong. Because you can’t resist your pleasure foods.)

My Child, don’t listen to the Accuser. For I am your strength and I am your power. And you can do all things through My power. Because I am your strength and I will strengthen you.

This whole week you’ve allowed Satan to defeat you. But today is the day you will celebrate My victory, the victory I have already planned for you. Be strong

Therefore as you yield yourself to Me and walk in My strength, you’ll find new strength. Today, you will have a rebirth of My strength and My power within you. 

So declare today a day of victory. I say it again, “Declare today a day of victory.”

For victory is Mine, saith the Lord. Yes, I’ll say it again, “Victory is Mine.”

Therefore be strong My child and walk in the victory I have already planned for you.

Yes Lord, I declare today is a new day of victory.

Today focus on My Presence. Focus on worship. So sing over your victory, for I sing over you. 

As you seek My will and My guidance for each day, I will lead you. After all, I have your victory in My hand. And  I will infuse you with My strength and My power to resist temptation.

In fact, I infuse you with My power as you yield yourself to Me.

So be strong, My child. For I am celebrating your victory now. 

 Feed On This

He gives power to the weak, and strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40:29 NLT

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones. Proverbs 3:6-8 NKJV

Let the weak say, “I am strong.” Joel 3:10 NKJV

Be strong in the Lord

There are no perfect people, but God has already planned for your victory.