Tag Archives: losing weight


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20131117-150758.jpg— He gives power to the weak. And to those who have no might He increases strength. Isaiah 40:29 NKJV

Lord, help me for I am struggling in this battle! Yes, I am staying obedient to Your eating plan for me, three meals a day, with small portions and nothing in between. But Lord, I still want more and more food! Continue reading


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IMG_2312Lately, the Lord convicted of getting two extra spoonful’s of this or that. I knew in my heart that if I chose to continue eating, it would greatly disappoint My Lord! He has done so much for me that I do not want to disappoint Him! The conviction was so strong to STOP and walk away! Then the Lord led me to pull out some of my “old writings” and I found this from the past.  You see, He has talked to me about this before! Yes, He has many times before. Continue reading


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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA101108 132-auto      — I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.     Psalm 32:8 NKJV

Thank you Lord for this assurance. I don’t have to worry anymore, I just have to look to You to tell me what and how to do. Thank you for taking the burden of  responsibility off me. I know that You know “ALL”, therefore I can trust You to guide me. Oh, what peace in surrender to You, My Lord! Continue reading


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20131023-091128.jpg Continue reading


Posted on by aside

20131017-084034.jpgGood morning Lord!

— I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.                   Psalm 32:8 NKJV

(My child, do you trust Me?)

Yes Sir, I do trust You. Continue reading


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IMG_0336     Lord Jesus, forgive me. I broke down last night. It really started yesterday morning when I was more interested in the news than my “sweet time” with You. Then last night I really broke when I started eating all the sweets. There are several sweets in this house due to others here, and I just completely broke down. For two days now, I have struggled against the pull of this temptation , but last night all my resolve just collapsed! Continue reading

PEACE LIKE A RIVER! (Part-two – Uh-oh!)

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20131009-144856.jpg      [ Just after such a wonderful conversation with my Lord, I went to the restroom. I know . . . this is just too much information! But afterwards, I decided to weigh myself just one more time only to see if I now weighed less since I had gone to the restroom. In hindsight, I now realize that my thinking is just warped due to this bondage of the scales and compulsive overeating. But I do want to say, that probably everyone trying to lose weight has done this at one time or another. Then immediately after I weighed myself for the second time, the Lord and I had another heart-to-heart discussion. But this time, it was not praise from my Lord. Sigh.]

What??? Lord, how can this possibly be? Surely that cup of coffee didn’t weigh that much? Continue reading

PEACE LIKE A RIVER! (Part one- lost another 3 pounds!)

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20131009-063604.jpg     Lord, can you tell me why I lose three pounds when I go the entire week waiting until the appointed time to weigh and then I stay the same weight on the week that I weigh myself throughout the week? Continue reading


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IMG_9445Lord, I want to stand on those scales really bad! I wonder if I have lost any weight this week?

(Wait My child, obey Me in this! Wait until the appointed time. Remember that your success is not determined by a number from a box you stand on. Your obedience and submission to Me determines your success.)

But Lord, what if I haven’t lost any weight?

(Then, what will you do, My child?) Continue reading


[ Written from the past. Praise God, He has delivered me from  27 pounds since               May 23, 2013.]

A dish of homemade cookies.

Lord, did you see all those cookies I ate last night?

(Yes, I did.)

Lord, everyday I start eating correctly, then by bedtime I have eaten everything I can get my hands on! Sometimes I even get in the bed eating!

(I see.) Continue reading