Tag Archives: credit card debt

Talking To God

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Picture by Deborah Crocker

I start each day talking to God about many things. But mostly I talk to Him about my weight struggles, my excessive debt, and the stresses of life. Also I pray for the many needs of others and in general the condition of the world.

Throughout the years I’ve written my prayers. This helped me maintain focus. And it also provided me a release from my stresses. After all, God is a great listener.

To begin with, I’d write my concerns, questions, and then I write His answers to my questions just as they came into my heart..

This blog will contain some of those conversations I’ve had with God about my constant struggle with my weight, my compulsive overeating, and seeking His wisdom concerning my excessive debt.

(Picture by Deborah Crocker)

I’ve gained, lost, and regained over 60 lbs. several times throughout my lifetime. A few years ago, I lost over 90 lbs. just eating the way God instructed me to. Then I gained some of it back. Sigh.

And my debt is embarrassing, I won’t tell you how many times I have paid off debt only to run it back up again.

So now I’m in the process of again surrendering these addictions, both of excess food and accessive use of credit cards to God’s control. Also, I have arranged two accountability partners that I text daily.

Over all, I’m asking God to grant me wisdom and I know He’ll give me the victory. After all, He promises in His Word that if you ask, He will give you more wisdom.

And I certainly need more wisdom. What about you? Could you use more wisdom too?

I believe that God speaks to all of His children in different ways. With me, He speaks both in my heart and in my prayer writings.

Picture by Deborah Crocker

If you’ve never experienced God’s Presence, you should just start talking to God for yourself. And if you listen for His voice, He will speak to you too. I highly recommend it for your peace of mind. In fact, God’s Presence brings peace and assurance.

It’s my hope and prayer that my conversations with God will encourage and bless you throughout your own journey. I hope that you’ll start talking to God about your concerns too. He’ll speak to your heart as you seek HIm..

By the way, if You have a prayer need, send me an email. (debbiejean2010@att.net) I might not send you a reply, but this I do promise: I will pray.

Try Talking To God For Yourself

Therefore I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of My salvation; my God will hear me. Micah 7:7 NKJV

. . . He will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it, He will answer you. Isaiah 30:19 NKJV

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5 NLT

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27 NJKV
Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry and He will say, “Here I am” . . . Isaiah 58:9 NKJV

Liar! Stop Listening To Lies.

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Liar! You know he’s a liar. Now stop listening  to those lies of accusation.  Don’t listen to the liars of defeat and discouragement either. Have you ever heard these words in your spirit? Then refuse to accept to accept them. They’re lies from the chief liar.

You’ll never lose this extra weight. Your body is getting older now and your metabolism is slower too. So you probably won’t lose this weight. The part of your life when losing weight came easy is over now. The freedom of eating whatever is gone forever. You will have to spend the rest of your life counting calories, carbs, and measuring your food. Oh, what a life of misery this is. You’re going to have to eat salads and baked chicken for the rest of your life. How boring for you. Why did God make you this way, so easy to gain weight with low thyroid and all. You know why? This is why, He doesn’t care about you or what you eat. 

Why don’t you just give up? Relax and just eat what ever your heart desires. Just be a happy fat person. After all, no one really cares. You know, fat is in. Body shaming is out. You’re constantly body shaming yourself. Why don’t you just enjoy being fat. Everybody else does. Relax. After all, who really cares how much you weigh? God doesn’t even care if you’re fat. So why do you struggle to lose weight? Just let yourself go. Enjoy your food. After, God created pleasure. So experience your pleasures of life. Eat, drink, and be merry.

All of those statements are from the liar of liars. What does God say?

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you; Take your everyday ordinary life- your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking around life- and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without  even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2 The Message 

What’s that saying to you? How do these words compare to the words of the liar? Who do you want to believe, God or the Liar?

Have you ever heard these words?

Go ahead, charge it. After all, it’s on sale. If you don’t get it now, it’ll be gone tomorrow. You better get it now. While it’s on sale is the best time to buy. Just think of all the money you’re saving. You can pay it back later. It doesn’t really matter. You’ll pay it back. 

What about these words?

Go ahead, put the trip on your charge card. After all, it’s a business expense. In fact you can count it off on your taxes later. This whole trip, the gas, the hotel, and all your food counts as a business expense. Since it’s business, you can count all this off on your taxes. So go ahead and pick the nicer restaurants. There’s no need to cut expenses. Go for it. After all, you’re a success now. So it doesn’t matter if you use the charge card. This is business. Go for it.

Have you ever heard this?

You need these supplies/services to build your business. Get them now and use the charge card. After all, it takes money to make money. So go ahead and buy these supplies now. They’re here now and you won’t find them later. Doesn’t matter if you use the charge card, you’ll pay it back with all the money you make. Just think of all the profit you’ll make. This is an investment. Go ahead, and charge it. After all, you need this right now in order to succeed. So go for it. After all, you’re going to be successful. Then it won’t matter that you charged these supplies. 

Yep, all lies from the chief liar. What does God say?

The poor are always ruled over by the rich, so don’t borrow and put yourself under their power. Proverbs 22: 7 The Message



Below you’ll find some links to different retailers. Anything you order from theses links provides  a small commission which helps to support publishing expenses. Thanks for checking them out. But do not use a charge card. Dave Ramsey wouldn’t approve.  Google it.

Macy’s   Check out the clearance section.

Get Your New Mind Here

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New mind, you need one? Get it today. Free to the first 100 subscribers! Sign up here.

Now wouldn’t it be nice if it was that easy? I could use a new mind. What about you?

“Lord, would You grant me a new mind. Help me put off this old mind with its old ways of overeating and my overspending too. Yes, the way I’ve spent money and overeaten has been crazy. Overall, I need a brand new mind.”

Over the years I’ve lied to myself. Have you ever lied to yourself?

“It’s okay to buy this on credit. Later you can pay it back. Then all evidence of using the credit card will be gone.” Or rather, “It’s okay to enjoy this abundant junky food. It’s so sweet and satisfying. Or it’s salty and crunchy. Betcha you can’t eat just one. After all you can start that new diet tomorrow. Then you’ll lose it. After all, it only takes a couple of days of dieting, then all evidence of this binge will be gone. So no one will ever know.”

Lies, it’s all lies I tell myself. What lies have you told yourself?

Overall, I’ve told myself many lies and believed them too. Consequently all these lies led to entrapment,  in overwhelming debt and in excess weight too. My mind was corrupted by my deceitful desires for the right-now instant gratification of selfishness.

“Now Lord, I want to give You my corrupt mind full of all its desire for more self-gratification. Would You take this corrupt mind, cleanse it and make it new again? Grant me please, a new mind renewed with a  yielded attitude to Your will both for my eating and my spending.”

“Lord, would You forgive me for my sin of putting my selfish desires first? And help me focus my whole self on seeking Your will and trusting You completely.  Also could You help me yield myself to Your control in all things without hesitation and/or question?”

Above all Lord, I want You in my whole life, not just just the  church/religious part. Namely would You take control over every part of my life, especially when I shop and every time I eat? Certainly I want more of You. Could I just have more of You and Your Presence versus all this stuff or all this unnecessary food?

Lord, are You there? 

Child,  I am here with you now. And yes, I hear your prayers. I will lead you as you seek Me. But I will only watch as you seek to satisfy your own desires. I will not make you change. 

It is only as you ask,  listen, and then follow that I will lead. I cannot and will not zap you to make you change. You have to choose for yourself. If you choose My will , then I will supply you with all you need to achieve your victory. But My child, you have to choose for yourself. This is not a one-time choice either. No, it’s a constant, everyday, every minute choice. Throughout your time. You are making choices. If you choose My way, then I’ll strengthen you beyond your comprehension. Now My child, choose. What will it be?

Above all, help me to choose You Lord, to seek You, and to follow Your will. Because Lord, I want You more than anything. That is to say, You are My everything.

 I’m not giving up!


You were taught with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32: 8
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your]reasonable service. Romans 12:1

And be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Ephesians 4:23

Don’t Give Up And Don’t Quit, For I Am With You (Part Two- His Answer)

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IMG_9689Don’t give up My child, for I am with you. I see your discouragement, but I say to you, ‘Don’t give up and don’t quit. Go forth in the victory I have already prepared for you.”

Lord, thank you for my weight loss and teaching me how to eat in submission  Yes, I know I’ve failed You so many times, but You never gave up on me. Thank you Lord for Your mercy. You said don’t give up, but I’m overwhelmed. Now I have more issues I need Your help with, credit card issues.

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“Don’t Give Up And Don’t Quit, For I Am With You” (Part 1- My Dilemma)

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Don’t give up, My child, for I am with you. I see your discouragement, but I say to you, ‘Don’t give up and don’t quit. Go forth in the victory I have already prepared for you.”

Lord, thank you for my weight loss and teaching me how to eat in submission  Yes, I know I’ve failed You so many times, but You never gave up on me. Thank you Lord for Your mercy. You said don’t give up, but I’m overwhelmed. Now I have more issues I need Your help with, credit card issues.


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