Tag Archives: Christmas shopping

Removing Leftovers & More Christmas Shopping, the Easy Way

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The refrigerator’s full of Thanksgiving leftovers. I love them. Love all leftovers. You get to enjoy more meals without cooking again. One friend said, “Cook once, enjoy twice or more.” I agree, don’t you?

In the past Thanksgiving leftovers meant binge weekend, especially if Hubby went to work. No witnesses, no crime, right? I used to make a soup out of leftover dressing, then eat one bowl after another until I was sick. What kind of life was that? Can you imagine how all that cornbread dressing swelled up inside a body? It would probably make a good glue, ya think? Continue reading

Seven Secrets: How to Eat Thanksgiving Day

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IMG_3421How do you plan to eat Thanksgiving Day? Are you going to throw out caution and go for the binge day of all time? If so, how will you feel on Black Friday? Will you be too sick and bloated to shop or do you sleep it off during the football game?

One way I used to eat Thanksgiving was skip breakfast, eat all and everything I wanted for the grand Thanksgiving meal, and then eat some more into the night until I passed out in the Lazy boy, and waddled off to bed. Have you ever done that? Continue reading

The Sickest, Most Pleasurable Christmas Shopping Experience

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Sick & Christmas shopping

Yes, that’s right. I’m sick and Christmas shopping. Home sick with the sinus crud. Is it feed a cold, starve a fever? Or is it feed a fever, starve a cold? Soup and more soup. Hmm, can’t overeat just because I’m sick, or can I? What would you do? Wait, . . . this sick day I’ll go Christmas shopping. Sounds good to me, what about you? Internet, a wonderful thing, don’t you think? Continue reading