Category Archives: weight loss


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IMG_5610Last Tuesday, I felt compelled to weigh myself. It didn’t matter about Tropical Storm Bob. It wasn’t raining now. I had time to walk to the grocery store where the scales were and return before the rain started. Hubby returned to work and I left before breakfast.

I needed to know how our hospital trip last week with his kidney stone (13mm) affected my weight. Yes, you heard right. He had the kidney stone, I’m worried about my weight. Not knowing if I lost or gained was driving me crazy. Continue reading


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Yes, He did it. All the credit belongs to Him. There’s no way I could have lost 91 pounds by myself. I needed help and intervention. I needed His power since I had none myself. IMG_0269

When I weighed 241, as Hubby left for work I went to the kitchen. He went to earn money, I went to eat whatever I could find.

Have you ever been consumed with an overpowering desire for anything sweet? Or junk food? Doesn’t really matter what, it’s the act of eating that brings pleasure.

Have you ever searched through the refrigerator, the freezer, or cabinets and found nothing because you got rid of all junk food  due to starting a new diet? So you settled for toasted bread, spread with butter, and pure sugar. Yep, that’s me. I’ve ate 6 slices and then made 6 more. Afterwards I’d waddle to bed to sleep off my  food drunk. Continue reading


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IMG_2614Lord, why do people give up?

My child, they get tired. They see life as a struggle or a fight with success unreachable. They expect defeat instead of looking for victory. They try with all their strength to meet a goal only to fall down again. After perceiving continued failures they quit trying. Life seems too hard and just not worth it. They lose hope.

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IMG_5437A while back my youthful weight loss buddy Rachel,  nominated me for a “Sisterhood of the World Blogger’s Award”.  Thank you Rachel, following your blog and reading of your successes is a reward in itself.

I feel like a proud grandma even though we’ve never met in person. You’ll enjoy reading her journey. She’s been an inspiration to me with her weight loss of 66 pounds and graduating from college with Magna Cum Laude honors at the same time. I’m so proud of her. When I was in college I probably gained 66 pounds. I always studied with a huge bowl of popcorn. At 230+, I waddled across the stage to get my diploma.

With this award comes an assignment. Now it’s past time to answer the questions,  and pass this award on to others.

Award Questions:

1. In one word, how would you like your readers to describe your blog? ( I hope, “Encouraging”.)

2. Which is your most favorite among your blog posts? Why? ( “70 Reasons I’m Thankful God Helped Me Lose Weight” – This is my favorite because I have to give credit where it’s due – God helped me. Without Him I would still weigh 241, maybe more by now.)

3. What, who inspires most of your blog posts? ( I write most of my blog posts with a pen in my hand and a 5-subject spiral notebook during my personal devotional time with my Lord. I write my questions and complaints, mostly complaints and then I write what He speaks to my heart. I believe in God, the Father, Jesus Christ, the son, and the Holy Spirit as a Trinity. It’s similar to an egg with the yolk, the white, and the shell. They’re different, but one and the same.- free theology lesson.)IMG_0408

4. What do you inspire to accomplish this year? (I want to encourage/help as many people as I can know that God is the answer to all our struggles, be it weight or otherwise. Only He can set us free from our self-inflicted bondage. I have said that He saved me from myself. Chew on that one.)

I’ve also wrote a devotional book, and submitted it to a publisher. Hopefully it will be out in January 2016,  God willing. One day, I would love to speak at Christian women groups.  I enjoy sharing about my relationship with Christ.  After all, He’s my best friend and my weight loss counselor too. I love Him for what He’s done for me, more than helping me losing weight.)

5. What do you aspire to learn this year? (I would like to learn how to write inspiring Christian fiction just for fun. Since I’m tech challenged, I would like to become more tech efficient.)

6.What is your most favorite book? Why? (I enjoy reading from my New King James Version Bible. I chose that version because it’s easier for me to comprehend. Sometimes it’s amazing how I sense God speaking to me through His Word. Like that book was just written for me. )

7. What’s the most courageous thing you  have ever done? (I once stayed at the hospital for three days and nights without leaving with a young man who died from cancer.  He had adopted me as his mother since his Mom had died  years earlier. He needed me so I stayed. I was the only one there when he went to heaven. I’d never witnessed death before. Immediately I called the nurses to let them know the machines had stopped and  he was gone. They all filled the room to say “bye” to him. I’ve never felt God’s Presence  as I did that morning. He died unafraid with someone who loved him by his side. God was there too.)

8. If you could be a superhero, what would be your superpower? (You’ll laugh at this. I would like to be a “Ghostbuster” so I could destroy the demon of gluttony. Remember that scene of the gluttony monster eating everything. IMG_5438

If I could I’d destroy the demons of alcoholism, tobacco addiction,  and drug abuse, too. How about all addictions, sickness, poverty, basically all evil. Hmmm, sounds like I’d like to be God.  Uh-oh. I’ve been guilty of telling Him what I think He should do. Now I’m waiting for lightening to strike me. Uh-oh. Watch out. Don’t stand by me in a storm.)

9. Who is your female role model? (Believe it or not, I identify most with adulterous woman in John 8:1-12.  I feel as though I’ve committed adultery many times in my heart due to my love for food. There was a time when I loved food more than my God or my husband. Only someone with a food addiction can understand that.

When you want to experience secret pleasure with something/someone else more than the one you made a promise of commitment to, that’s adultery.  My heart has been adulterous many times with food pleasure.  Jesus told the adulterous woman to go and sin no more. I can’t say that I have sinned no more. My false lover, food pleasure, is still there just waiting to entice me with His pleasures. God’s Presence destroys the power of gluttony.

It’s been said that adulterous woman is the same Mary that anointed Him with costly perfume and wiped His feet with her hair. John 12: 1-8. I don’t know if that’s true, but let’s suppose it is.  Mary surrendered her life to serve the one that set her free from her demons.  He set me  free from the demon of food addiction. I’ve also surrendered my life to serve Him.

Rules of the award:

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you and post a link to their site.
  • Put the award logo on your site.
  • Answer the same questions above.
  • Nominate seven blogs.

To pick only seven of my favorite blogs is very hard for I enjoy all of them. Previously I nominated some of my favorites to the WordPress Family Award. To be fair, I won’t nominate those blogs to this award. I’ll choose differently this time.

My Seven Nominees:

1.  (They have a  church support group in southern Florida. One day I’ve love to visit them.)

2.   (Written by Robyn and  Lara. Their mantra is, “Eat what you want, Never diet again, Live a happy Life.” I agree.

3.  (She writes “Thoughts of a Christian Cowgirl.”)

4.  (She blogs about health and running, but I love most of all the stories of her son.)

5.  (This blog is written by a couple and their whole family is focusing on being healthy.)

6.   (Dot has lost 125 pounds. Her blog includes health information and recipes too.)

7.     (Her blog is about health issues. She’s a runner that hates  diets. She thinks you should make small changes to improve your diet, not go on a diet. We agree.)


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IMG_5235Lord Jesus, I weighed the other night at a retail store. I should have known better. I’d already ate two meals of the day, drank four cups coffee, one bottle of water, and three huge glasses of tea. The scales said I’ve gained weight. What did I expect?

The point is I do know I’ve eaten too much. Even though I ‘ve followed the food plan You gave me,  (Eat only three meals a day with half portions, and no snacks) I must confess I ate too many halves of too many desserts.

Oh, how easily gluttony raises its ugly head. How quickly I run to it. Ooh, sweets, ooh, chocolate. Let’s see, I’ll have half of this and half of that, oh yes, I’ll have half of this, that, too. Oh yes, yum. I want it. Give it to me, now. IMG_5411

Lord, I looked at these desserts for pleasure and comfort. Didn’t even asked Your advice. I just went on automatic and turned on the green light. Go, go for it. You can have 1/2 of it all. I told myself, “You’re still doing right because you’re only eating half. You’re still obeying the rules. It’s ok. Oh, look at that, you haven’t had any of that. Go ahead, get some, just eat half. It’s okay to get it, if you just eat half. Oh, get you some girl.”

IMG_5249Lord, I knew I wasn’t losing because I felt full. Even when it was time for the next meal, I still felt full from the previous meal. So I thought, “Let’s exercise. Exercise is good. You’ll work this off.” So I rode the stationary bike 5 miles a day, 4/5 days. I walked two miles some days.

Wrong, it didn’t work that way. I still gained. Got caught with my hand in the cookie jar. So what do I do now? I don’t want to get caught up in counting calories, bondage to dieting, or even excessive exercising to work off my overindulgence.IMG_4029

Lord, I’ve failed again. I’m ashamed at my behavior at the feeding trough. I followed the rules You gave me, but I STILL OVERINDULGED.  I don’t think more rules are the answer. I ‘ve been so distracted by so many things. Instead of looking to You for guidance, my eyes were on the pantry and the desert bar.

Maybe I can fast my desserts. Yes, I’ve done that in the past and it helped, but I do so enjoy a little sweet at the end of my meal.

My child, just don’t eat so many. Two halves do make one whole. Four halves do make two wholes. That’s part of your issue, too many halves. Limit your desserts to just one, one half of one.

Yes Sir. (Hanging my head.)

My child, you have also eaten out Mexican food three times this week and Chinese buffet once. You know these areas are difficult for you, but they both offer salad and vegetables.  You do have options. In the past, it has taken your body a week to recover from one Mexican meal. Now choose a salad or a simple meal, and leave off most of the starchy foods. Even though another person is choosing the restaurant, you choose from the menu. Choose wisely and your body won’t react as much.

I do want you to enjoy your food, but I don’t want you to consider food as the source of your joy. Look to Me for your joy. Yes,  your eyes focused on your food pleasures, not on Me.

Feed on My Word and renew your mind. Feed your spirit and be strengthened. As your spirit grows stronger, the fleshly desires will decrease. If you are full of Me these strongholds and weights that so easily entraps you will leave. It is My Presence that gives you strength to resist temptation.

Now about that pity party you had last night over what that machine told you. Did it make sense for you to overeat at supper because you saw a weight gain? Yes, you still followed the plan I gave you. But you ate half of yours and then some of his half too. You told yourself it’s just half and the “I’ll eat now because I’ll do better tomorrow.” Has that plan ever worked for you before?

No Lord, it never has. It only increased my struggles to break free.

I see. . . My child, today is a new day. You will start over, this time with a new mindset. I am a God of second chances. I specialize in new beginnings, new life.

That’s what I want, a new life free of this bondage to overeating and excess weight. Lord, will this temptation ever go away?

My child, temptation is always there waiting for the opportune time to come forth, but as long as you stay full of My Presence you will have the strength and mindset to resist these temptations. I did not come to give you more rules to follow, I came to bring you freedom. I’ve come to set you free


God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”                   John 4:24 NKJV

Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?  I Corinthians 3:16 NKJV

Just because something is technically legal doesn’t mean that it’s spiritually appropriate. If I went around doing whatever I thought I could get by with, I’d be a slave to my whims. You know the old saying, “First you eat to live, and then you live to eat”? Well, it may be true that the body is only a temporary thing, but that’s no excuse for stuffing your body with food, or indulging it with sex. Since the Master honors you with a body, honor him with your body! I Corinthians 6:12-13 (The Message)

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4: 7-8 NKJV


"How Can it be" by Lauren Daigle

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I copied this reblog from fittoservegroup. This is beautiful and describes exactly how I feel. He has indeed set me free from my bondage.

Category: weight loss

Are you prepared?

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I know this isn’t about overeating or losing weight. But could teething be compared to food addiction? I know that both I and these babies cry about our issues.
I’ve been known to say if it was socially acceptable for adults to have pacifiers, then there would be less smoking, less alcoholism, less food addiction, etc. Back when I used to teach middle school, the star basketball player used to sit in my class and suck on his pacifier. No one said a word to him and he had good grades too. So maybe they are somewhat similar. I want mine to be covered in bling, thank you.
It does make interesting reading. It is so “The Truth”, I felt led to re-post this. Enjoy.

Category: weight loss

WordPress Family Award 

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IMG_5263Hi Ya’ll!

Several months ago my blog friend Darleen, ( ) “Thoughts From A Christian Cowgirl,”  recommended me for this award. I was absolutely thrilled and amazed that she would grant me this honor. Thank you so much Darleen. Ya’ll check her out.  IMG_5283

Because I’m so tech challenged, it took me a while to figure out how to place this icon on my blog. . .  A widget, what’s that? I emailed Darleen for help and she sent directions, but my granny self couldn’t comprehend them. What did you say? Huh? Finally I ordered a couple of how-to books from Kindle and they helped. Reading directions always helps. Continue reading

Love it 

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Category: weight loss


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Lord, I don’t know what to say. I’ve been so guilty of focusing on my plans instead of praying for others. Help me to pray according to Your will.

My child, a lot of your prayers were  you singing to Me when stressed. Praising prayers are My favorite. You didn’t eat your stress, you sang instead. This is another victory of freedom.  IMG_5127

I know your needs and the concerns of your heart. I’m answering the prayers of your heart. You don’t have to speak them for I know and see all things. Rejoice My child, for your answered prayers. Continue reading