20131117-150758.jpg— He gives power to the weak. And to those who have no might He increases strength. Isaiah 40:29 NKJV

Lord, help me for I am struggling in this battle! Yes, I am staying obedient to Your eating plan for me, three meals a day, with small portions and nothing in between. But Lord, I still want more and more food!

During my meals, the food tastes so good that I want to eat more! When I watch others eating their snacks at night, I want to eat some too! Lord, I do want steadfastness in obedience and to eat according to Your plan and Your will for me. But the temptation to eat more and more is so strong, especially when I get frustrated with others! Last time, I just clinched my teeth and called on Your Name. Sometimes I even cry out,  the desire to just eat and eat even more is so powerful!

Lord, I need Your help! I do want to thank You for keeping me within these safety borders of obedience, but now I am standing at the edge of failure!  I am looking at the food full of longing for its pleasure! It is calling my name! I just have to clinch my teeth and walk away! So far Lord, I have been able to walk away and I thank You for this. But Lord, I need Your strength now, the desire to overeat is getting stronger and I feel it more and more!      I need Your mighty strength to resist this temptation!

I do have an “accountability” partner, but I have failed so many times before. I do want to finish this race successful! I do want to stand before others and use my struggles as an example of “See what God will do!” Lord, help me to grow stronger in my resistance to this “food” that calls to my heart so strongly. Make me stronger, I want to stand in victory as a testimony of Your mighty power of deliverance! I do know that the pleasure of Your Presence is better than any short-term pleasure in food. Please help me to always remember Lord, “You are my victory!”

(Yes My child, I AM your victory! I am here for you. I am your personal counselor, greater than an accountable partner. Yes, it is good for you to have your accountability partner, it is good for her too! But My child, I AM the source of your strength! Come to Me! I will remove the desire for this food from your heart for I want the focus of your heart! I want you to seek Me with all your heart and all your mind! When you seek Me with all your heart, I will be found by you and I will show you many things that you know not of. But for now, I am teaching you how to resist temptation. Yes the temptation is there, but realize that each time you say, “No” and walk away it is increasing your strength.)

. . . . . . out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle. . . . .                    Hebrews 11:34 NKJV

( My child, instead of being filled with anxiety each time you face temptation, be filled with My joy! Anticipate your victory!)

— For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out “Abba Father”. Romans 8:15 NKJV

(With each temptation comes the joy of victory! As you resist temptation, your strength increases! So don’t be anxious over these temptations, instead rejoice with Me! Each temptation is a test. My child, you are passing these tests. Rejoice in your victories! Be filled with My joy! Each time you turn away from the temptation to overeat you are breaking another stronghold. My child, soon the desire for this extra food will be totally broken away from you and you will be free of this stronghold. Expect your freedom in Me!)

— Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1 NKJV

(I have come that you might be free and free indeed!)

— Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36 NKJV

( My child, you have been held captive for so long. Did you know that some of those in bondage to their selfish desires are afraid to break free? They have found it so easy and comfortable that they just to stay in their captivity. They have given up. This is why your temptation is so strong at this time. It is comfortable to overeat and easy to just give up. But after the pleasure of overeating, immediately the guilt and shame will consume your heart. This further increases and tightens the stronghold of your bondage. You have been in this bondage for years, My child. The enemy does not want you to break free!)

— I say then, walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.            Galatians 5:16 NKJV

( My child, you are not standing on the edge of failure! You are standing on the edge of victory! The enemy knows this and that is why the temptations are increasing! Therefore, when temptation comes, be filled with My joy instead! Walk away from the temptation in victory! For I am your victory! Look at Me instead of the temptation! Begin to praise Me for your victory! Call on My Name to break the strength of the temptation! Fill yourself with the strength of My Presence! My Presence brings you strength!

Look at each temptation as an opportunity to worship Me! The enemy of your soul cannot stand to hear you sing My praises. Sing, My child, sing My praises! Your worship and praise of Me,  breaks and destroys the power of the temptation in your life. That, My child, is another “key” to unlock the chains of your bondage. Previously I gave you two keys to your victory, “Surrender” and “Obedience”. Now I give you another key to your victory, “The Sacrifice of Praise”! Now go forth, My child, walk in your victory, the victory that I gave unto you!

— Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37 NKJV

[Presently, I have lost 32 pounds. Thank you Lord!]
