Tag Archives: weight loss


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IMG_1836IMG_1812Praise God- Total weight lost- 51 pounds. This bag of potatoes weighs 50 lbs. and I can hardly pick it up. No wonder I can walk better.


He just started on my food plan.


He lost 5lbs. on my food plan.

He lost 5lbs. on my food plan.

And now I have dogs as dieting partners. What?





     Lord, I want to praise You for the 51 pounds weight loss and the smaller size jeans I got into yesterday.  Continue reading


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20131026-071706.jpg     Lord, everything about my job is changing! It seems as though management has lost their minds! Their new expectations seem so unachievable, unrealistic, impossible, and just plain crazy!  I am so overwhelmed by all this! Lord, I must admit to You that I have complained very loudly and constantly to my co-workers. I have also noticed that when I complain, another co-worker complains, then another, and the complaining spreads like wildfire until everyone is complaining! All of us end up overwhelmed and full of despair!

Lord, was this how the Israelites sounded in the desert? I know we are a murmuring, complaining bunch, but aren’t we entitled due to all the unrealistic demands from management? Lord, I don’t want to stay stuck in this job for 40 years!  It seems that the more we complain, the more confusion and anger there is! All of us have expressed feeling trapped! Continue reading


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IMG_946920131016-044541.jpg                                        Good morning Lord! Thank you Lord for a new day! Lord, I thought I heard You say, “Get up, go weigh yourself.” So I did, but the scales only went down 2 ounces. So Lord, why did You want me to weigh again this morning? Continue reading


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IMG_2516     Oh Lord, I’m so sorry! I now see the truth in my heart and it is so ugly! I can’t believe that I was so selfish to You! Yes, it was all about the scales!  My heart this morning was all about the scales! Oh Lord, I’m so sorry that I hurt Your feelings because I choose the scales over You! I am so ashamed and embarrassed before You now, hanging my head in shame! Lord, I am so sorry, can You possibly forgive me? Continue reading


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[Written on December 30, 2013]

Lord, here I am again! Help me Lord! I went on a binge again last night! First, it started with the taco chips at the Mexican restaurant and then I ate all the taco salad including all the crispy shell. Then when I got home I proceeded to the cake, candy, ice cream, and even more snack cakes! Lord, I know better, I can’t believe I have done it again! I had almost made it a whole month without bingeing, I had almost earned a month-long “Recovery chip”. Oh my Lord, why did I do this again? I have lost 37 pounds, but if I keep this up I will just blow back up like a balloon in only one month! Oh why, why did I do this again? Continue reading


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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA101108 132-auto      — I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.     Psalm 32:8 NKJV

Thank you Lord for this assurance. I don’t have to worry anymore, I just have to look to You to tell me what and how to do. Thank you for taking the burden of  responsibility off me. I know that You know “ALL”, therefore I can trust You to guide me. Oh, what peace in surrender to You, My Lord! Continue reading


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IMG_0336     Lord Jesus, forgive me. I broke down last night. It really started yesterday morning when I was more interested in the news than my “sweet time” with You. Then last night I really broke when I started eating all the sweets. There are several sweets in this house due to others here, and I just completely broke down. For two days now, I have struggled against the pull of this temptation , but last night all my resolve just collapsed! Continue reading


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English: 020301-N-3995K-011 U.S. Navy Recruit ... Lord, HELP! HELP! HELP! I feel so guilty for whining about this, I wish I were stronger!

(You will be, My child! This is why you are in training now! Most new recruits cry in boot camp! You are in boot camp now, My child! This is your boot camp!) Continue reading


[ Written from the past. Praise God, He has delivered me from  27 pounds since               May 23, 2013.]

A dish of homemade cookies.

Lord, did you see all those cookies I ate last night?

(Yes, I did.)

Lord, everyday I start eating correctly, then by bedtime I have eaten everything I can get my hands on! Sometimes I even get in the bed eating!

(I see.) Continue reading

THE MESS! (Writings from last year)

20130926-194042.jpgLord, I have really made a mess of things, haven’t I? I am overdrawn at the bank, overweight, and I haven’t sought You or even listened. Now I ask for help, now that I am in a hole. Lord, how do You put up with me? Lord, I want You, but I seek pleasure in other things. Here I am, a mess, expecting You to put back the pieces! How dare me? Continue reading