Tag Archives: losing weight

THE MESS! (Writings from last year)

20130926-194042.jpgLord, I have really made a mess of things, haven’t I? I am overdrawn at the bank, overweight, and I haven’t sought You or even listened. Now I ask for help, now that I am in a hole. Lord, how do You put up with me? Lord, I want You, but I seek pleasure in other things. Here I am, a mess, expecting You to put back the pieces! How dare me? Continue reading



Oh Lord, I am so excited! Today is weigh in day! I can’t wait until I get on those scales, I just know it will be a five-pound weight loss! I just know it, I feel smaller! Let’s see. Uh. . .

What? I can’t believe it! This is wrong! I will try again, okay. let’s see. Uh. . . .

Okay, Lord, it was only minus three pounds, but I will praise You anyway.  I am sorry that I seem  so disappointed. I know a  three-pound weight loss should make me happy. Continue reading


IMG_9563[I wrote this over a year ago. I have struggled with this overeating issue for most of my life, but praise God, I now see victory!]

Good morning, Lord. How? How? How can You stand me?

(My child, I love you!)

Lord, I don’t deserve Your love at all.

(I do love you!)

Lord, why would You love me? Why? Continue reading


IMG_9689     Lord, I got so frustrated yesterday! I got restless, felt trapped, I just longed to go out to eat somewhere, but due to being a homebound caregiver I had to stay home. Oh Lord, I guess I was just having a “pity party”! Continue reading


IMG_9874Lord, as I look back on my life and now as I look at my body, I see all the failures of the past!

(My child, I see you as My creation, “the finished product, perfect in every way”!  I am in the process of  shaping you into who I want, a “vessel of My Holy Spirit” walking forth in My Presence, showing forth evidence of My Power, and  showing forth My Victory in your life! My child, I give unto you, “Hope”, renewed, reawakened “Hope”!) Continue reading


English: Chocolate cake with chocolate frostin...

Oh man,  . . . I looked at that chocolate cake setting on my kitchen counter! My friend brought it over and my mother in law is eating it, but she eats little small slivers. I have not wanted any of it until now. . .  As I just walked by, it called my name! Continue reading


IMG_0709     — Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the Continue reading


       Lord, lead me according to Your will for today. Lord, I ask for forgiveness for all my sins of gluttony.

(My child, I have given you the gift of healing from this bondage of overeating. But as of yet, you have not accepted it! Accept this gift, My child. It is not something you earn, for I have freely given it to you! Now reach out and take this gift of mercy and healing. Be set free from this bondage and oppression now in My Name-Jesus! Be set free and delivered completely! Go forth in My power the power of the Holy Spirit! Those I have set free are free indeed!) Continue reading



Lord Jesus, forgive my anger. Help me to have the attitude that please You. Lord, I want You to fill me, not the anger.

(Let go, My child, of what is in your hand and I will bless you. Let go of your self-desires and I will increase My Spirit within you.)

Lord, help me, guide me.

— I will instruct you, I will teach you the correct path, I will guide you with My eye.    Psalm 32:8 NKJV

—- Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good consciences, and from a sincere faith.                I Timothy 1:5 NKJV

Lord, give me the kind of love that pleases You.

— And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.                 I Timothy 1:14 NKJV

Thank you Lord, for Your grace, and Your love. Help me to please You! I am so sorry about my behavior.

— Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in sight of God our Savior.               I Timothy 2: 1-3 NKJV

Lord, am I to pray for him and his co-workers?

(My child, praying is battle in warfare. Prayers are what moves mountains. Do you think he is more powerful than I?)

No Lord, he is not more powerful than You, it is that I have just given up!

Child, My warriors do not give up! Instead, My warriors rise up!)

Well Lord, show me, teach me how to pray for him because he irritates me with his words and I don’t agree with anything he says!

(My child, I will teach you. Pray first that My Will be done, that witnesses minister to him the truth and then pray for his heart to change.)

Alright Lord, may Your Will be done in this place, here on earth just as in heaven. Lord, send to him witnesses of Your glory and grant him a heart change. Lord, Your will be done in this situation. Amen


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“Lord, how wonderful it is! How thankful I am! Lord, I am bowing before You again. You Lord, have mercy for me yet again. For this, I offer praise unto You!”

At age 601/2, I am finally going to defeat this enemy of the extra weight that so easily besets me. Yep, the saddlebags  and the bondage of overeating banished forever through the power of the Holy Spirit!

“Lord, I know You are my only hope of freedom! Diets don’t work, not for me! I either won’t or rather don’t stick to a diet or an exercise program. Lord, You are my only hope. I am coming before You, laying down the sacrifice of all my extra snacks and sweets on Your holy altar as my ‘sin’ offering.”

( “My child, I gave My life already as a sacrifice for your sins. Sacrifice is not required from you, My child, what I desire from you is your love and your obedience.”)

1 Samuel 15:22 NKJV:  So Samuel said, “Has the Lord as great delight  in burnt offerings  and sacrifices, as in obeying  the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams.