Tag Archives: food addiction


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Lord, I don’t know what to say. I’ve been so guilty of focusing on my plans instead of praying for others. Help me to pray according to Your will.

My child, a lot of your prayers were  you singing to Me when stressed. Praising prayers are My favorite. You didn’t eat your stress, you sang instead. This is another victory of freedom.  IMG_5127

I know your needs and the concerns of your heart. I’m answering the prayers of your heart. You don’t have to speak them for I know and see all things. Rejoice My child, for your answered prayers. Continue reading


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(Disclaimer: I’m allowed sweets on my food plan though I can only eat half or less. The following list explains how I eat my sweets. I do find it interesting that since I’m allowed sweets, they just don’t entice me as they once did. Don’t get me wrong. I do love my deserts, but they no longer call my name. Sometimes I’m just not interested. Imagine that. God has set me free.

I do apologize to my friends that are on restricted diets for one reason or another. God gave me a food program I could live with for the rest of my life. He has a plan for you too. IMG_9469Everyone is different. This is just what worked for me. It was a slow process, but it was the easiest process for me. God knew I couldn’t stick to a diet after 41 years of dieting failures. So He gave me a plan I could stick to, which included some sweets.) Continue reading


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20130411-094416.jpg  Lord, I’m so afraid of those scales. Tomorrow is “weigh” day and I’m scared. I can’t take it anymore.

My child, know that your worth is  not determined by the number on a machine. I created you and you’re worth so much more. I gave My life for you, therefore you are truly valuable indeed. Trust Me. Continue reading

IT'S A "GOD" THING – 71 pounds gone.

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At my largest Notice my Celebrate Recovery t-shirt. On the left is Cheryl my 4th accountability partner

In May 2013, I weighed 241 lbs. and served as a cook for Celebrate Recovery. God has a real sense of humor putting me in a place of service right in the middle of my addiction.

Sometimes we “Christians” look down on others thinking to ourselves, “I’m not as bad as that.”  Sin is sin and addiction is addiction. I know.

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Victory Over Christmas Candy

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Taken at First Baptist of Tillman’s Corner

Lord, my niece asked me to make her favorite Christmas candy for our family gathering. Sigh. It’s made of sugar, and more sugar. I boil it and beat it with the mixer, then by hand. Then I put the nuts in it and drop it by the spoonful on wax paper.

You know how much I love this candy and I make it every year at Christmas.  I’m the best I know of at making this candy. It turns out perfect every time, even when it rains. It  just melts in your mouth. Everyone says it’s the best they have ever tasted.  Did You give me this talent? Why would you give me a talent for making wonderful candy if You knew I would have a food addiction? Continue reading


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IMG_1881 I have joined a writer’s group that submits a story every week based on a scripture cue. I would like to share them with you, although they won’t all relate to weight loss. Then again, they may. Hope you enjoy.

I have enjoyed writing for this group. My stories are a little odd, but I pray asking God for guidance each week. I also draw from my personal life/feelings as I write about the characters. It’s fun. I enjoy it.

The following story, although it’s about a prostitute’s journey, it does relate to my weight loss. For years I would worship God, ask Him to guide me to His will, and then I ran to my other lover, the pleasure of food.  Yes, I admit my other lover was food pleasure. Therefore I sold out my body to another, I was a prostitute. Continue reading


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Picture from “Google”. The possum in the story never came back. I hurt his feelings.

Last night, I looked out the back door, stepped forward, then backward to look again. What is that? I stared in amazement. It’s a possum, eating my cat’s leftovers.       I opened the door and turned on the light to get a closer look. His snout is long  and pointy, his hair looks greasy and his tail looks scraggly with a kink . For a few minutes, he ignored me as he continued to eat without looking up.

I yelled, “Get away, get out of here.” He looked at me, slowly slunk under the lounge chair to hide and waited. I yell, “You’re ugly, you know that. Get out of here.” He slowly wobbled under another chair. I continued,  “You’re so ugly. Do you even know how ugly you are?” He hung his head as he slunk toward the end of the patio. I wonder if he understood what I said. Then I shut the door without bothering to see where he went. I guess he’ll finish the cat food after I turn the light out.

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IMG_2007Lord, I confess to You that I love ice cream! I love how it tastes! I love how it feels in my mouth! I also confess to You that I ate two pork chops last night at supper, then I ate chocolate cup cakes and cookies for desert. Lord, I ate all that due to stress and frustration! I am so frustrated, depressed, and disappointed! I feel entrapped in a job that is no longer satisfying.  I am full of doubt, especially self-doubt. If the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, and a broken contrite heart, then I guess I qualify for I certainly feel broken! I feel broken in my spirit for sure and I have no willpower! I am just a broken vessel that cannot hold water!

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