Tag Archives: Christian weight loss group


Posted on by aside


[Written on December 30, 2013]

Lord, here I am again! Help me Lord! I went on a binge again last night! First, it started with the taco chips at the Mexican restaurant and then I ate all the taco salad including all the crispy shell. Then when I got home I proceeded to the cake, candy, ice cream, and even more snack cakes! Lord, I know better, I can’t believe I have done it again! I had almost made it a whole month without bingeing, I had almost earned a month-long “Recovery chip”. Oh my Lord, why did I do this again? I have lost 37 pounds, but if I keep this up I will just blow back up like a balloon in only one month! Oh why, why did I do this again? Continue reading


Posted on by aside

20131117-150758.jpg— He gives power to the weak. And to those who have no might He increases strength. Isaiah 40:29 NKJV

Lord, help me for I am struggling in this battle! Yes, I am staying obedient to Your eating plan for me, three meals a day, with small portions and nothing in between. But Lord, I still want more and more food! Continue reading


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20131023-091128.jpg Continue reading


Posted on by aside

20131017-084034.jpgGood morning Lord!

— I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.                   Psalm 32:8 NKJV

(My child, do you trust Me?)

Yes Sir, I do trust You. Continue reading


Posted on by aside


Good morning Lord! It’s Monday, my weigh-in day, but now I don’t know exactly when to weigh in? I woke up so early this morning, I don’t know what to do? It is now around 3:30 a.m. and I always weigh right after I get up!  I can’t go back to bed now because I am completely awake! Maybe this early morning would just be a good opportunity to spend more quality time with You? But if I drink my coffee now and then wait to weigh myself  later in the day, it will show a weight gain. Oh Lord, what do I do now? When do I weigh?

(Don’t drink your coffee now, just wait to weigh yourself at 4:00a.m. and then you can drink your coffee.) Continue reading


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IMG_0336     Lord Jesus, forgive me. I broke down last night. It really started yesterday morning when I was more interested in the news than my “sweet time” with You. Then last night I really broke when I started eating all the sweets. There are several sweets in this house due to others here, and I just completely broke down. For two days now, I have struggled against the pull of this temptation , but last night all my resolve just collapsed! Continue reading

PEACE LIKE A RIVER! (Part-two – Uh-oh!)

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20131009-144856.jpg      [ Just after such a wonderful conversation with my Lord, I went to the restroom. I know . . . this is just too much information! But afterwards, I decided to weigh myself just one more time only to see if I now weighed less since I had gone to the restroom. In hindsight, I now realize that my thinking is just warped due to this bondage of the scales and compulsive overeating. But I do want to say, that probably everyone trying to lose weight has done this at one time or another. Then immediately after I weighed myself for the second time, the Lord and I had another heart-to-heart discussion. But this time, it was not praise from my Lord. Sigh.]

What??? Lord, how can this possibly be? Surely that cup of coffee didn’t weigh that much? Continue reading

PEACE LIKE A RIVER! (Part one- lost another 3 pounds!)

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20131009-063604.jpg     Lord, can you tell me why I lose three pounds when I go the entire week waiting until the appointed time to weigh and then I stay the same weight on the week that I weigh myself throughout the week? Continue reading


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IMG_9445Lord, I want to stand on those scales really bad! I wonder if I have lost any weight this week?

(Wait My child, obey Me in this! Wait until the appointed time. Remember that your success is not determined by a number from a box you stand on. Your obedience and submission to Me determines your success.)

But Lord, what if I haven’t lost any weight?

(Then, what will you do, My child?) Continue reading


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English: 020301-N-3995K-011 U.S. Navy Recruit ... Lord, HELP! HELP! HELP! I feel so guilty for whining about this, I wish I were stronger!

(You will be, My child! This is why you are in training now! Most new recruits cry in boot camp! You are in boot camp now, My child! This is your boot camp!) Continue reading