Tag Archives: chains of bondage

Halloween Victory

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     Here it is again, another Halloween. Haven’t bought the candy yet. Guess I will later. Procrastination? Maybe I don’t just have the desire for more candy in the house. Celebrating freedom and victory.

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IMG_2624(Editor’s note: This is a  story I wrote for a writing contest. In the contest I could only use 250 words, but here I can write as I feel led by God. I pray it ministers to you, it did to me.

I’m not the girl in the story, but the emotions were mine.  My highest weight was 241 pounds, not 300. The words God spoke to her were the same words He spoke to me when I cried out in desperation.

This story begins in fiction and ends with truth. As they say in the movies, “This is a fiction story based on some facts of truth.”) Continue reading


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locked and chained

Image by Darwin Bell via Flickr

     (My child, I watch as My children are seeking, turning, searching, fighting, and struggling in battles within their own self power. If only they would come unto Me, I would show forth unto them the way to walk. Do they not know that I am the answer to every question? Do they not know that I am the road to a life more abundantly? I am the way, the truth, and the light! If only they would seek My voice, I would show unto them the way to walk. I am the answer for all that concerns them, but woe unto them that seek to follow their own self-conceived plans. Continue reading