Category Archives: weight loss


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20130411-094416.jpg  Lord, I’m so afraid of those scales. Tomorrow is “weigh” day and I’m scared. I can’t take it anymore.

My child, know that your worth is  not determined by the number on a machine. I created you and you’re worth so much more. I gave My life for you, therefore you are truly valuable indeed. Trust Me. Continue reading


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Thank you, Lord, for letting me enjoy Your beautiful creation. Walking on the beach  lifted my spirits, relieved my stress, and invigorated me physically. You told me to sing praises. Did you hear me singing? I’m sure you did. The beach was exactly what I needed. Continue reading


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20131016-044541.jpg   Lord, why am I not losing more weight? Why does it seem I’m going backwards? My scales tell me I’m gaining, but why? I’m eating the same as before. So. . . why am I struggling with the scales now?

I didn’t exercise before and lost over 70 pounds. Now that I’m exercising, why haven’t I lost more weight? I see the finish line of this journey. I need to finish in victory. I need Your help. What’s going on? I don’t understand.

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IT'S A "GOD" THING – 71 pounds gone.

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At my largest Notice my Celebrate Recovery t-shirt. On the left is Cheryl my 4th accountability partner

In May 2013, I weighed 241 lbs. and served as a cook for Celebrate Recovery. God has a real sense of humor putting me in a place of service right in the middle of my addiction.

Sometimes we “Christians” look down on others thinking to ourselves, “I’m not as bad as that.”  Sin is sin and addiction is addiction. I know.

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100 Little Reasons To Lose Weight In 2015

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Category: weight loss


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IMG_3034 Lord, I disappointed You, didn’t I? I knew exactly when I messed up. It was those last two pieces of candy. My feelings were hurt,  I was upset, and I thought they would make me feel better.  As I looked at the candy I felt the draw of Your love saying, “Come to Me. Bring Me your wounded heart. You won’t find love in this candy. Let My love sooth your hurt.”

I felt encouraged and had hope again.  “I don’t need those last two candies. But . . . why not? Go ahead, eat them.” So I did. Continue reading


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IMG_3869I wouldn’t eat Christmas candy until the family gathering on December 21. Then I ate one piece of white candy, one piece chocolate,  one cookie, and one cookie candy. According to the plan the Lord gave me I can have desert, but only half. Since in my past I would binge on candy by the handfuls, I concluded that one piece of each kind is a half serving.

My usual weigh-in day is Sunday, but Saturday I decided to just take my punishment and get over it.       I expected to gain 2 pounds or more. Taking a deep breath, I stood on the scales. Continue reading

Victory Over Christmas Candy

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Taken at First Baptist of Tillman’s Corner

Lord, my niece asked me to make her favorite Christmas candy for our family gathering. Sigh. It’s made of sugar, and more sugar. I boil it and beat it with the mixer, then by hand. Then I put the nuts in it and drop it by the spoonful on wax paper.

You know how much I love this candy and I make it every year at Christmas.  I’m the best I know of at making this candy. It turns out perfect every time, even when it rains. It  just melts in your mouth. Everyone says it’s the best they have ever tasted.  Did You give me this talent? Why would you give me a talent for making wonderful candy if You knew I would have a food addiction? Continue reading


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Below is a fiction story based on one true fact. In the past, due to overwhelming stress I left Baby Jesus on our dryer for two weeks. I would pat Him every day and say, “Soon, I’ll get to you I promise.” How often do we tell the real Jesus the same thing?

It’s a wonderful thing that due to my excess weight and over eating issues I’ve learned to sit at His feet and seek His advice. Reminds me of a child’s song: “Trust and obey, for there is no other way, trust and obey.”

Thank you Lord for delivering me from 68 pounds.                 BIG ANNOUNCEMENT COMING SOON!

Hope you enjoy the story,  MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!

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